Per the picture, of you have a death wish.
Per the picture, of you have a death wish.
Because you’re seen as pushing back on the feminist agenda. Funny thing, feminism is about equality, not reversing roles nor pushing down individuals.
You see that happen?
If it was a man doing it, it would be called assault. Another woman would be called out for not being proper and, again, assault.
Hard to uproot these bad actors.
Allow me to share a small personal story. An anecdote, as it is often called.
I was home for ten years with my children. I changed diapers, took care of meals and chores, and when it was time for it, I took my children to pre-school.
Being a stay at home father, being present for my children, was trampled on by teachers and the mothers of other children. It was disrespectful, demeaning. I was unwelcomed and unwanted. Some even tried to create a narrative that I was a danger to the children.
Women were more vitriolic and systematic in their gender affirmation than men.
That is extremely sad and telling.
The guy in the post is an idiot and being told to shut up and told off, followed by perhaps a couple of punches to the teeth would be enough to get him to stay quiet.
Women would not be so easy to handle.
Level that place.
Wouldn’t eat it even if paid to do it.
I found this in the wild, at an online shopping site.
Things are escalating quickly. Good job, everyone. Maybe it can trigger a coup.
Good point!
Inertia, momentum, insert more serious sounding words, understand it as a proper answer.
Fascism is not exactly imaginative or new. What else is new?
On the moment, a good number came to my mind. Right now, the ones coming to mind are plain dumb or just stupid.
I’m going to stay quiet.
There are so many comebacks available for this one, yet I can’t decide on one.
My desire to express how that little snippet of dialogue hit me through a visual cue is overwhelming…
Are we going to discuss sexual dynamics next?
Women don’t usually need to flaunt their sexual availabilty in order to be approached by men.
But I’ll risk that many guys getting that straightforward approach would be really happy to have it.
This is some incel-level shit here.
First time I get that remark…
Funny enough, growing up I got tired of hearing women complain their husbands/boyfriends/partners/men in general would always prioritize their own pleasure and pressure to have their interests fullfilled in detriment of the womans needs and expectations.
The dude is actively offering to pleasure the girl. Yes, she is in all of her right to refuse him and his advances, but damn, he is trying to be a bit considerate.
He could just go straight to the point and say he wanted to jump in her pants and be a complete idiot in doing so.
He isn’t asking directly. I’m going to be the devil’s advocate and say the guy is willingly taking the longer route to the girls favours, by putting her pleasure ahead of his.
I sounds considerate, to say the least.
That’s cruel.
The dude is quite literally offering to give the girl some head.
He’s not asking for sex - directly! - just stating his willingness and eargness to give his potential partner a really good time.
I’m confused.
Hey! Riding the Battle Cat in the first panel, then a jet rider on the second!