I didn’t go through these phases I just pray to the Omnissiah and sacrifice an HP printer when it doesn’t work
I didn’t go through these phases I just pray to the Omnissiah and sacrifice an HP printer when it doesn’t work
I would imagine you could run into an issue like this building off an M1 or newer Mac and deploying to a Linux based env. We’ve run into a bit of an adjustment with our docker image builds where we need to set the buildarch or else it fails to deploy.
Our build times aren’t blazingly fast, typically around 4 minutes for npm/yarn build for frontend apps and loading the data to the image and any other extras like composer installs. Best time saving for us was doing a base image for all the dependency junk that we do a nightly on
JetBrains IDEs for me
I don’t do it and we have no expectation of it. A good portion of our infrastructure is self healing and spread across multiple zones which has been enough for us for the past 10 years. The parts that aren’t can wait until business hours and clients are aware no work is done outside of them so any fixes or changes wait until the following business day.
You would have to more than double my salary to get me onboard with structuring my personal life around “but what if there’s an outage”, and even then I probably wouldn’t do it lol
You’ve insulted my entire existence I challenge you to a duel
My money’s on them selling PS2 demo discs
JetBrains did similar with their perpetual fallback license and it did ok. My only gripe with their strategy was it required either the upfront year paid or at the end of 12 months of month to month you would get the license. Issue was the license was from the first month so you would have to go downgrade. I like your idea way more
Typically using Lando which is a frontend for docker-compose which makes it easier for the users unfamiliar with docker to use it to spin up their environments.
Yeah and they have no top end
I used to think people who downloaded videos on YouTube, forum posts with guides or useful info and other data were weird.
They were right.
With archive.org under threat some of it will be gone for good unfortunately. Save what you can when you can it might not be there later.
I’m patiently waiting for my 4th Pixel 5A RMA since they love frying motherboards outta nowhere but damn once you get grapheneos going it really is something else
My longest lived backlog task is 3 years old
You can get some decent stuff for not much. Unfortunately harbor freight isn’t what it used to be but its still OK for basic hand tools. Major stuff I’d rent. I threw all my stuff in a duffel bag when I lived in an apartment and it worked decent but digging for tools sucked lol.
Would be cool if there were groups for it to get people started off and save a little money without buying anything
I know what I’m doing when I get my 4th RMAd Pixel 5A back lol
I remember it used to be popular in gaming groups and some music around 2008-2012 and a lot of variations of the same gas mask character were made
Yep, moved off GitHub the moment they announced it cuz I thought they were gonna pull the old Microsoft embrace extend extinguish
Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
If you’re looking for a hobby 3D printing is a pretty great way to take stuff into your own hands. Hydroponic towers, car parts, stuff around the house. The list really goes on with it, I just printed new tires for my Roomba, sure they’re only $10, but printing them cost me a few pennies.
Docker image layering and nightlies for the heavier installs has worked pretty well for me. Dependencies from things like npm, composer etc are all build time still but more of the base stuff is on a weekly build cycle. We just do notifications if the nightlies fail to manually resolve it which is very very seldom