Shit, I should check my bins
Shit, I should check my bins
It could, but I’m in my early 40s.
I just started early with a TI-99/4A, then a 286, before building my own p133.
So the “World Wide Web!” posters were there for me in middle school.
Still old lol
Like anything else, it’s good to know how to do it in many different ways, it may help you down the line.
In production in an oddball environment, I have a python script to ftp transfer to a black box with only ftp exposed as an option.
Another system rebuilds nightly only if code changes, publishing to a QC location. QC gives it a quick review (we are talking website here, QC is “text looks good and nothing looks weird”), clicks a button to approve, and it gets published the following night.
I’ve had hardware (again, black box system) where I was able to leverage git because it was the only command exposed. Aka, the command they forgot to lock down and are using to update their device. Their intent was to sneakernet a thumb drive over to it for updates, I believe in sneaker longevity and wanted to work around that.
So you should know how to navigate your way around in FTP, it’s a good thing! But I’d also recommend learning about all the other ways as well, it can help in the future.
(This comment brought to you by “I now feel older for having written it”, and “I swear I’m only in my fourties,”)
I’d even go as far as to say many of them today are just copying Jobs. He was a terrible person.
Right now it’s got some private info in there, but I’ve been meaning to make it sanitized to share, so I’ll let you know
Phenomenal, thank you!
If you do find it let me know, I’d love to see it! I really do have about 20 hours of training in networking I give to folks, and since it’s literally 20 hours of information, I like to put in fun stuff.
Like a picture of a facemask I added during COVID with “stay at, don’t”. Super cheesy but at least it’s a mental distraction from information overload haha
Well this is going in my “basics of networking” presentation.
Nah, just have it be like a palmtop!
Going to have to build one of them one of these days…
Gaël Duval.ël_Duval
The foundation manages /e/OS, ECORP SAS is their online sales/services. ECORP SAS is privately owned.
Edited to add:
The corporation:
Layers make keyboard go brrrrr
Considering the way they presented what was obviously them trying to skirt the rules, it isn’t hard to believe that CF did provide that info, and it just wasn’t presented in this writeup.
Not that I have any love for CF, just saying this is a case of no one being trustworthy.
I am shocked there is someone besides me who still enjoys the wordy C.
Pascal was the first real language I learned (after basic)
Pfft, that’s only because you write garbage code in rust.
I write garbage code in lots of languages!
It’s a crap platform, but it’s the company’s fault.
Just like the windows laptop.
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