That’s cool if people can agree on what maintainability is, which changes improve it and which changes hurt it.
You can get two people arguing for the exact opposite thing, while both of them use maintainability as an argument.
That’s cool if people can agree on what maintainability is, which changes improve it and which changes hurt it.
You can get two people arguing for the exact opposite thing, while both of them use maintainability as an argument.
Or how noone uses the default phone messaging app outside of the US.
US and Taiwan both are perfectly happy with the status quo, they would be the last people to start any wars there.
The vibe reminds me of
He’s basically just whining about his competition being able to attract more talent by offering better conditions that he doesn’t want to compete with.
It’s no different than complaining that the competition has a better/cheaper product and people are not buying yours.
Democracy is when you need a majority of votes, which they don’t have. If they did, none of this would be an issue.
It’s not nitpicking, stuff like this is far more impactful than choosing between 5 lines vs 10 lines long methods, or whether the hasExtraCommissions
” belongs inside or outside of calculateExtraCommissions
. This kind of thing should immediately jump out at you as a red flag when you’re reading code, it’s not something to handwave away as a detail.
Why is it a void
method? This only tells me that some state is mutated somewhere, but the effect is neither visible nor documented.
I would expect a function called “calculate” to just return a number and not have any side effects.
So where do all the renters come from? - same website that your wikipedia link lists as source
But none of that is relevant to the article of this post. That article talks about money to complete unfinished projects. It’s in the very first paragraph. There are people who took out loans to buy pre-construction apartments with plans to live there, who are now in trouble.
But the article is specifically talking about unfinished projects.
So you don’t have a flat to live in either, you have an abandoned construction site.
Self host with backups set up?
I can’t believe I have to explain this. Anyway
The comparison to Alex Jones and other conspiracy nutjobs was about how they don’t care about any facts or context, and just like to string together random headlines into some doomsday narrative that supports their view.
The phrase “tankie infowars” means basically that - same methods, just different target audience. So you would switch around who the good guys and bad guys are, but not much else.
You don’t think coming to the conclusion “omg, this must be nuclear war preparations”, instead of this just being a regular target, is conspiracy level thinking?
It would fit right into Alex Jones’s show. And it’s the most upvoted comment here.
Is this a tinfoil conspiracy site? Tankie infowars?
It was Medvedev who started talking shit about nukes more than a year ago (and a lot since then)
This is of course in addition to just taking all the training data without credit or permission by both teams, which usually goes without saying these days.
C is one of the few languages where using goto
makes sense as a poor man’s local error/cleanup handler.
Kotlin is a really nice language with plenty of users, good tooling support, gets rid of a lot of the boilerplate that older languages have, and it instills many good practices early on (most variables are immutable unless specified otherwise, types are not nullable by default unless specified otherwise, etc)
But to get the most “bang for your buck” early on, you can’t beat JavaScript (with TypeScript to help you make sense of your codebase as it keeps changing and growing).
You will probably want to develop stuff that has some user interface and you’ll want to show it to people, and there is no better platform for that than the web. And JS is by far the most supported language on the web.
And the browser devtools are right there, an indispensable tool.
Flutter - the framework - is great. Dart as a language is tolerable - lot of ugly boilerplate, manual codegen, and things you can’t quite express correctly are everywhere, but if you’re not too much of a stickler, Flutter is still worth it (at least until Compose Multiplatform matures - if ever).
This instance is hilarious.
The notion that Russia doesn’t need to invade or make nuclear threats is completely unthinkable around these parts.
If you just analyze the 1000 most recent posts on the local worldnews, it’s pretty openly a propaganda channel.