Endeavor here, checks out
Endeavor here, checks out
Also Luke Smith hasn’t uploaded in years now
Which he needs all the time and people are giving it to him. I’m so fucking done with seeing his face several times a day, maybe I should be touching grass instead
That’s what I’m thinking too but then remember my first corporate job where the application depended on an exact subversion of Java 8, no earlier and no later. This was in 2021. Knowing that company I’d bet they’re still rocking the same setup.
Good point, it’s always a tendency and I don’t know where the cut off is. Subjectively I’d say Hungary is nowhere near there. Especially since as I see it, our government’s tendencies don’t come from genuine ideological conviction but selfish interest. If anything it’s an oppressive oligarchy, but not fascism. I hope I’m not just coping.
Wikipedia’s definition:
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
In my understanding, only some of these things can be argued to be true about Hungary, and none of them to an extreme extent. Of course I don’t know the future and I won’t excuse the crimes of my government, again I left the country because of them, but I want to be realistic and fascism isn’t a word I would throw around lightly.
Hungary is seriously fucked up at the moment but calling it fascism is a huge stretch. It’s not like these fuckers actually believe in anything, they’ll just do whatever gets them the votes and the cash. Not that the tendencies aren’t worrying (in fact I’ve left the country because of them), but it’s not a full blown dictatorship yet. Source: am Hungarian.
I’m not german bro
Average English natives when they realize other languages exist
My “trick” is to put it off until I can’t bear the mess anymore and then it actually feels like I’m getting something done and I’m doing it because I want to as opposed to it being a pointless chore
Not american but why would you put raisins in mac n cheese?
To be fair I have used pure Arch before but EOS gets me everything I like about Arch just easier