Sorry I want a well-managed UNIX system with a nice GUI
Does OSX still have that bug where if you merge two folders of the same name it deletes everything in one of them?
Sorry I want a well-managed UNIX system with a nice GUI
Does OSX still have that bug where if you merge two folders of the same name it deletes everything in one of them?
Object-oriented programming is a meme, if you can’t code it in HolyC you don’t need it
American Kit Kats are made by the Hershey company and no money goes to Nestlé.
Kit Kat used to be a Rowntree’s product, and Hershey bought the right to make the candy in the U.S. in perpetuity back in 1970. When Nestlé bought Rowtree’s, they had to abide by the contract to license out the Kit Kat for no royalties, because the only condition of the agreement is that Hershey loses the license if the company ever gets sold. And since selling the Kit Kat bar is so valuable, buying Hershey for what it’s currently worth would mean instantly losing a large amount of Hershey’s value, so even when they’ve tried to find a buyer, nobody will buy the company—even Nestlé refused to buy Hershey in 2002.
No dude this definitely happened, there’s no way it isn’t 100% true