They are 100% aware
They are 100% aware
Shit is weird, it was completely offline for a day or two but now I’ve been able to access it via app again for a couple of days, I can even post this from Meanwhile in the browser it appears entirely dead. As if the Lemmy instance is working again but the Apache is down.
Impressive. Let’s see Paul Allen’s memes.
Bless your grandma and puppy
CSGO is still in CS2’s beta channel on Steam as csgo_demo_viewer or something like that, but obviously limited to community servers/offline play, no official dedicated servers.
To anyone who does anything other than twist and tuck:
get a life
Lightning doesn’t have near the capabilities of USB C. … pretty clear that USB C is superior.
Are you talking about the capabilities of the USB protocol 3.x, or the mechanical design like I was? I don’t know a single property where the mechanical design of USB is superior to Lightning, but I’m ready to be enlightened.
Yeah, I still think it’s a great mechanical interface, if not the best. Would’ve been great if rather than killing it, regulatory bodies had forced USB to adopt the lightning design for the C type.
My thoughts too, with a pig being opposed
Very good. Bottom panel could also read “to save the automotive industry ☝️”
It’s for teachers