Crappy movie? Yes.
Come from? No.
Crappy movie? Yes.
Come from? No.
Ironically, i watched the [REDACTED] before i read the books, so i enjoyed it. Then i read the books and felt really dumb for enjoying the [REDACTED] as much as i did.
Best for who? Depending on your answer, you are unequivocally right.
No no no. We FIXED them. Imagine being br*tish. Putting random “u”s in words. ColOur hOnoUr mOuLd. Imagine having a whole letter that only the 1%ers can even pronounce (its “t” pronounced like “s” but with a burst of air instead of a stream of air, and more pressure from the tongue onto the hard palate). We turned linguistic drift into linguistic power-slide.
Any time i hear a br*tish “person” talking, regardless of location or occasion, i rev my Ford f-450 supermax lifted truck (from which i removed the muffler) as hard as i can. This produces three strictly beneficial effects:
1 i can no longer hear the br*t “talking” 2 all of the smoke blocks sight of who is talking 3 the beautiful aroma that comes from the powerful black smoke reminds me of the most important things in life freedom, privatized healthcare, and tea in the ocean.
Upon reading this, i feel like an immeasurably large fool. I lost to my wife yesterday when IT COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED
I tried to watch it and kinda gave up. I tried to accept that it would be at most a reference to the book, but i still, just, couldnt.