goddamnit you acid tripping LLM…
goddamnit you acid tripping LLM…
About 200 pounds.
1 million will be required so they can be paid minimum wage with 30 years experience and a phd.
Yes, work on getting your first job, don’t worry so much about getting your dream job on the first try.
Let’s say most jobs get 1000 applicants. Having a relevant education will put you in the top 200. Having relevant job experience will put you in the top 50. And not having a bunch of strange red flags that suggest you’re not going to be a useful hire might mean you’re one of 5.
It’s important to pay your dues, and early on that often means working a job you don’t want as much.
A lot of people with university degrees end up not doing anything related to their field because nobody told anyone this stuff and they end up applying for jobs they can’t get first.
? “Hello World”
There’s a 5 hour interview with John Carmack on YouTube where he talks about transitioning from really caring deeply about algorithms and the like to deeply caring about how to make a sustainable and maintainable codebase you can have an entire team work on.
Often, a solution that is completely correct if all you’re doing is solving that problem is completely incorrect in the greater context of the codebase you’re working within, like if you wanted to add a dog to the Mona Lisa, you can’t just draw a detailed line art dog or a cartoon dog and expect it to work – you’d need to find someone who can paint a dog similar to the art style of the piece and properly get it to mesh with the painting.
BIIIIG problem: The last 5%.
Did ChatGPT just hallucinate it? Does it exist but it isn’t used like ChatGPT says? Does it exist but it doesn’t do what ChatGPT thinks it does?
I use ChatGPT sometimes to help out with stuff at home (I’ve tried it for work stuff but the stuff I work on is niche enough that it purely hallucinates), and I’ve ended up running in circles for hours because the answer I got ended up in this uncanny valley: Correct enough that it isn’t immediately obviously wrong, but incorrect enough that it won’t work, it can’t work, and you’re going to really have to put a lot of work in to figure that out.
fr fr no cap
Excuse me, I think you meant “correct’s you’re code”
Its when you find the clitoris for the first time.
Joking aside, it’s a description of the runtime of a thing for a size of a data set. Its expressed as a function. So for example an exponential function would get longer and longer as your data set size grows, linear time has a basically proportional operating time compared to the size of the data set, and log(n) would see runtime increase very little as data set size increases.
No worries, it was fun trying to figure out a solution to the problem regardless.
Strings and human beings are two things that mix to create really tough problems.
Seems like a for statement and a case statement could work.
Detect numargs
For a = 0 to numargs
Get core command on arg a (probably read until you hit an equals sign or a space), trim and lcase
Select Case core command
Case “thing”
Do stuff
Case “–name” Get part after equals and do stuff
Case “-i” Get next arg and increment a
End select
I don’t know why these platforms think they’ll ever take off without even implementing federation. It’s 2023!
Why would anyone want to change from BASIC?
The key to “AI” is having a human there to take algorithms and apply them to the right problems.
This is what most people don’t understand because many of the demos are quite impressive and narrowly tailored to prevent the fact from being obvious unless you know what you’re looking for.