This is dangerous
Well, they say you do have to be over 18 to use Concepts
C++: Nuh, uh …
template <typename T>
concept Crackable = requires(T obj) {
{ obj.crack() };
auto crack(Crackable auto& nut) {
Does this compile with -Wall -Werror
? (might not be an option if your dependencies’ headers contain warnings)
Looks like it may be embedded code for a SoC or similar. The only things I can think of is that the tool chain you’re using maybe non-standard… or you’re invoking the dreaded Undefined Behaviour somewhere :(
Clang won’t tell you if you’re missing a return statement.
Is this C++? Have you got some code examples?
I’ve been writing C++ for 20+ years and the last compiler I encountered this with was Borland’s. In the late 90s.
As someone who’s team has to go on 1st line support rota every few weeks; The ticket queue has a metric shit-ton of these reports that just never get “fixed”. Can relate.