Unless I’m misremembering, the insurance boss was mentioned as being in hospital and then never again so he could have died from his injuries.
Unless I’m misremembering, the insurance boss was mentioned as being in hospital and then never again so he could have died from his injuries.
Actually Hammas is spread by contact. If you touched someone who lived next door to someone who’s family dog was given to them by someone who had a family member join Hamas, then you become Hamas too.
The only way to innoculate yourself against this pathogen is by loudly and vigorously condemning Hamas for at least two minutes a day.
It should however be noted that condemning Hamas, and having absolutely no affiliation with any of their members provides no protection against Israeli forces mistaking you for a Hamas fighter and subsequently shooting/bombing/starving you to death.
Well technically there’s only one adult Man there… And one adult Elf, and an adult Dwarf.
Me and a friend discussed this and it led to an ongoing joke of pole vaulting pikemen.
Remember remember the 4th of December, the capitalist bastard was shot. I know of no reason the insurance retribution should ever be forgot.