I just found this community today.
I just found this community today.
…and there’s why I fell off Walking Dead pretty early on.
Are you sure you’re not Linux?
Hwhy e?
Just pronounce \n as a glottal stop.
I find that the majority of the time all that is needed is to take my foot off the accelerator. Sometimes it seems like I’m the only driver on the road that is aware you don’t have to accelerate until you brake if you just manage your speed accelerating and coasting.
It’s 90 miles from Seattle to Mount Ranier and it absolutely dominates the horizon.
Canada would still have to work with the fact that its neighbour is a lot bigger than it.
Canada occupies a total area of about 3,855,100 sq miles making it the second biggest nation in the world while the United States occupies an area of approximately 3,796,742 sq miles.
looks longingly at the paints I bought for models
Lego needs no paints and might scratch the modeling urge.
Driver (1-3) taught me skid and spin recovery so well that it allowed me to recover through a full 360 on an off ramp without incident…other than my heart beating out of my ears.
There goes our hero…