If he’s running illegal lotteries… Has he been fined or suchlike?
If he’s running illegal lotteries… Has he been fined or suchlike?
DDR2 was best DDR: https://acube-systems.biz/index.php?page=hardware&pid=756
Let me know when you’re ready to apologize and give these geniuses ALL YOUR MONEY.
PowerPC LIVES! https://wiki.amiga.org/index.php/X5000
It comes pre installed with Windows, so that’s a given isn’t it?
Only four fingers visible…
You think you have problems?!
I used to be a big Lostprophets fan… 😭
It’s what one bot keeps spamming, and it doesn’t really work. The videos never play for me.
He unironically probably did.
He also modded the jailbait subreddit, in case you were unaware.
A real stand up guy
Bitch lasagna