•"I could really go for some authentic American food"
15 days agoThis is an outstanding idea.
Surban mom.
This is an outstanding idea.
I feel judged.
Botox and filler when done well will keep a person looking younger for longer. So, basically they key is to have money and spend it on your looks. 👍
I see no problem with this pizza.
Is there a cropping is hard commity? This belongs there.
I’ve started a biz. Hit me up is you ever have questions - could be closer than you think.
Serious question: have you considered starting your own business? Maybe there is a way to shift some of that wealth back to you.
They are super high quality, made in the US and are actually a good company - so at least your money is well spent. It’s a solid investment.
Lots of the places where be traveled have American restaurants. They are a fascinating look into what people think is American. I love it