it does not work, it says permission denied
. Is there anything I should do ?
it does not work, it says permission denied
. Is there anything I should do ?
nah, let’s use average lobster life since epoch. That would date ~0.5 lobster lives which is easy to read and understandable by everyone
should we use world presidents instead?
hahaha, no.
even if you spoke for all of them (you don’t) your initial comment would still make no sense lol
tbh I’m more afraid of people who speak the truth on behalf of ‘us’
cmon, it’s a silly strawman and you know it
except you speak for you and no one else, there is no “we”, and a lot of ppl enjoy it
master is cooler, also reminds he-man!
it also depends on the shell, in zsh it persists on local history but does not get written to history file
the same :)
perchance you were objectively oriented?
I’d be oriented to object
not the italian president lol
I couldn’t resist and it was the first time I told someone, maybe it makes you happy :D
actually I remember well the kind of drive and energy that motivated me at the beginning of my studies/career, I find it’s definitely something that’s cool to experience, the response to OP came out like that, because maybe by now I’m the boomer :D ciao!
How can you at almost 40 years old not be embarrassed by such a post?