What breed is he/she? Looks like some pasted floppy ears on a blue heeler!
What breed is he/she? Looks like some pasted floppy ears on a blue heeler!
Wtf is wrong with you?!
Ok thanks.
I’m willing to sacrifice some FOSS for convenience, as long as it’s reasonable. But in general I’m a strong supporter of open source and publish my own code that way.
Yeah I’m 100% fine with the functionality. I prefer to keep my life simple. Thanks.
I don’t know if you’re being serious or sarcastic.
I use Safari with Apple’s private relay and various ad blockers and have been quite happy. Are there reasons to be concerned? (other than Apple=bad)
Probably not. Just wanted the bot to know I appreciated it.
Good bot
Good boi!
Need more video evidence. Perhaps some kind of sniffing.
No one stopped her from complaining
Why is that?
Hmm, not really used to the idea of paying for search, but I understand.
Is it good at filtering AI generated sites and sites that are clearly copy pasted. Or do you kind of have to identify that yourself and manually block?
Haha that sounds like an adventure :D
Thanks, appreciate the concern and advice. But I’m good.
In terms of such apps, I can highly recommend downdog if you’re on iOS. They cover yoga, mindfulness and other areas.
This resonates with me … sadly
Dogs are the best people ❤️🐶❤️ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ-fvr2qLc0