hi Hot Saucerman 👋 still unemployed?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • what crazy system requirements i have same motherboard since 2015. win10 supported until 2025, windows makes me change motherboard every decade 😠

    every thread i read about gnome people are complaining idk whats going on but its obv not ready yet

    why would i want to bypass miccrosoft account i made one with an email in 2 minutes 10 years ago, linux takes 10 minutes less? its ok i install my os once per decade ill take a 10 minute loss

    no customization options?I change my taskbar colour, my wallpaper, my starting menu tiles idk what more I need

    security issues? as always i dont open random exe and never had viruses

    exclusive features? what wrong with terminal i open it and type commands is linux one more luxurious? idc. idk what winget package manager, full disk encryption do never affected me

    forced updates, i dont know enough to skip them plus u like security so u should be glad people are up to date right

    rebooting system this isnt 2010 i have ssd, sneezing takes me longer, 2-3 restarts per month? whatever

    no actual issues, all programs i want are on windows, free is not enough reason to migrate

    edit plus ive already paid for my os so i dont earn anything by migrating atm

  • One guy interprets enjoying property peacefully as in repair rights, you interpret it as dont hit your neighbour with it and I’m the one trolling, amazing. Enjoying peacefully means you have the recognized right to own shit. Here is an example of violating that right and stealing someone’s shit in wikipedia right under the property article

    In the case of Mifsud and others v Malta (38770/17) the Maltese state was found to have violated Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the convention. The case involved a plot of land owned by the Mifsud family and their heirs which was expropriated twice (in 1984 and in 2012)

    Expropriate definition: (especially of the state) take away (property) from its owner.

  • He’s talking about the right to repair you’re own stuff or have someone look at it.

    Your argument was this, not anti-consumer, so even though none of his sources mentioned a right to repair by government, only a right to own, a private entity making their parts hard to swap would not necessarily infringe on that repair right, as far as we are concerned it could only cover being allowed to attempt whatever repairs you want. Now, if you manage to find a source about that right to repair that ALSO mentions easy repairs by third parties, we can argue further