PyTorch is now under the Linux Foundation AFAIK, but yes it did originate at FB
And we’re all the better for it! Needs polish and development of course, but it’s a decent alternative already
I mean, leaving aside their surveillance tasks, it’s still their job to ensure national security. It’s in their best interest to keep at least themselves and their nation safe, and considering how prevalent Linux is on servers, they likely saw a net benefit this way. They even open sourced their reverse engineering toolkit Ghidra in a similar vein
Alright I’m probably the outlier here but… I like helping people with their IT needs, and I’ve always found the problem solving and praise kinda nice. Maybe it’s just a me thing tho
That being said, the only thing that’s getting close to my Sidebery tree tabs is LogSeq’s graph, and it’s a close competition. Might end up using the two simultaneously
urn from subroutine, int3 would be something relating to interrupts off the top of my head.
Might want a sled and a ROPe to have a smooth descent
Huh, I was about to correct you on the use of embarrassment in that the intent was to mean a large amount, but it seems a Wiki edit reverted it to your meaning a year ago, thanks for making me check!
Ahhh the comment misspelled it, yep that’s the one. Thanks!
Bold of you to assume internet access is great everywhere
RIP Gabe, he shall forever Bjork in our hearts
Bach Lava Balaklava
Rust has an RFC that wants to consider yeet as a keyword for throwing an exception, I think they’re currently keeping it as a placeholder just in case
There’s ! for Oobabooga’s text gen UI, but it’s not too active
That BASIC GOTO joke got me real good, kudos to the author xD