There is only one timezone it’s called murica time 🦅
Americans eat like shit anyway lol, they won’t notice
They also prey on me and my food which other bee types do not.
The amount of time I wasted watching videos man. Could have played some nice games instead.
It’s not junk food dude. I would probably cook the same, like pho, pad Thai idk some Udon dish. But once in a while I order.
Do y’all just order fast food on Uber eats, I don’t get it? 50% of the time I order like Vietnamese, Indian or Japanese. Not McDonalds lol. Costs like 15€ (edit: +5€ delivery, I forgot since I had some 0 cost program once) instead of 3-4€ self cooked but it’s usually some Sunday afternoon where I am too lazy to get up and do anything myself.
You start shitting as loud as you can to announce your presence
I just dabble on some self hosted shit on Debian once in a blue moon and I never understood the difference between apt argument and apt-get argument
Yeah but every time I upgrade, it’s mainboard, CPU and memory because it makes no sense to only replace one of it. And that’s already 1/3 - 1/2 of the price
Bro ist mir egal ob du den Stern nutzt oder nicht, du bist nur bissl cringe im Internet unterwegs und ich wollte mich drüber lustig machen.
Dass du da nen ganzen Paragrafen schreiben musstest, ist schon telling ne
Der bre benutzt einfach “snowflakes” unironisch, was ist das, 2016?
You can’t even Google shit anymore, it’s all AI written articles. I used to use Reddit for that with but I wonder how long we will be able to.
Because it’s chromium bruv
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