Try us. I’m curious! The theological answers I know don’t really fundamentally solve the issue, just reword and skirt around it
Try us. I’m curious! The theological answers I know don’t really fundamentally solve the issue, just reword and skirt around it
I stand with Satan
So that’s what came through that time portal
Right. Because Israel really gives a fuck about UN resolutions
Oh so that’s the fucking reason we’re in this fucking mess
It’s obviously a dick-measuring tool
FUD, just to distract from the crushing multibillion dollar defeat they’ve just been dealt. First stage of grief: denial. Second: anger. Third: bargaining. We’re somewhere between 2 and 3 right now.
Actually no, the holocaust started with demonizing and harassing specific groups, curtailing free press, dismantling democratic institutions and banning books.
Come to think of it…
You’re right. I stand corrected
Neither are Oxford commas
Man I love snorting Parmesan. Or intravenous Taleggio
Notice the source of this article. This is just manufacturing consent for Israel and the US to again bomb Iran.
Ah yes he’s such a poor, poor victim
Macron is right tho
He’s not wasting any time
Come on where is your sense of adventure!? Go for Hungarian, you might learn something.
Maybe OPs troubles started with trying to ‘control’ him
14 years of dismantling the UK state and economy, and now this is the best they can come up with?
Romania pointing the way on how to handle fascism. The only thing democracy can’t tolerate is autocracy, and should therefore act on it. And they have some experience in this regard.
Take my upvote Romania!