(this is satire) have they tried the drug estrogen, been taking it for 10+ years, it really helps!
(this is satire) have they tried the drug estrogen, been taking it for 10+ years, it really helps!
Had to get steam deck, cheapest computer I could get that was made for Linux and gaming. My gaming laptop is more powerful but yet fucking Nvidia won’t work on it. And yes I did literally everything I can do. It’s a lost cause. Now I only use it for looking for a job and some intense games that can’t run on my steam deck.
I never let any company know my card details, I use privacy.com to make a fake card and pay them and then put it on hold so if they try auto charging me when I don’t want it, the card just gets denied.
As someone who is disabled and known people who are disabled, we don’t have the luxury of going out to eat as it is incredibly hard on us, I don’t use them but if I want to get nice food from a restaurant I really don’t have a choice besides delivery and there’s not a lot of places that do delivery without these apps (and some places hide that it’s doordash and say it’s there own)
For one of the people I knew in the past who couldn’t cook there own food because of there disabilities, they heavily relied on doordash type services and they barley ate because being disabled means your incredibly poor, but this anti human society doesn’t care about disabled people.
I got like 6 old computers from 2000 to 2016 all doing different things. If I had a choice between a high end server and cobbled together mess I would always choose the mess. Lot more entertainment and fun to figure out
TikTok was not as censored before the ban, people could talk about there genders race, could go live at protest, could criticize government shit.
Now I consider it trumptok. Probably a way for TikTok to cater to trump to not ban it by anything related to trump that’s negative to ban them and promote all things good trump.
It is no longer TikTok it is now just as bad as meta and x because that’s the only way they can see to keep the platform in the United States
Welcome to Amerikkka. If they can’t suppress the citizens they will force all to do it.
Man pages are for people who already know a lot about Linux and understand all the nuances and understanding of Linux
Even after using Linux for many many years I still don’t understand wtf nearly all man pages mean. It’s like a fucking codex. It needs to be simplified but not to the extreme where it doesn’t give you information you need to understand it.
Tbh that’s most of Linux, not designed for average people, designed by Linux users who think that all others should know everything about Linux.
From my time on Lemmy. There seems to be a lot of American propaganda on here from people.
Don’t understand the joke? Most autistic people I know and me included are not that into math to that degree. Maybe someone with ADHD and autism may hyper fixate on it, but still it’s not really something they would do usually?
People thinking autism is like a superpower or something don’t really understand the disability.
People be like “China bad! They have slave labor and heavy propaganda!”
As they sit there, unable to open the Internet and research it and believe what the American propaganda machine says to them.
No I’m not going to provide any sources or links because do your fucking research and stop believing everything CNN says you fuckin coward.
Very true it is accessible. Although I don’t know any phone or anybody that’s able to hear words from phone vibrations like that. Is this a new type of accessibility option?
I know boomers do it but I also see every generation do it. I know boomers do it because it’s a accessibility reasons due to age and poor hearing and the phone will not get loud enough for them to actually hear it without speakerphone.
I fucking hate it regardless but how else are people with poor hearing able to actually hear anything on these phones though.
Usually most of the time the main problem I have is fucking people playing music on there phones, usually people 25 or younger who just don’t care about others. I get more of them then actually boomers doing it.
Learning technology when you grown up without it and then expecting to learn all about it when your aging and getting older and brains just don’t work as well.
Regardless of who it’s fucking annoying and I hate it but I mainly blame the companies who don’t incorporate better accessibility for people and society (mainly past society) just never teaching people and society as a whole for this fucking American shit culture we have.
It’s interesting how many people here have succumbed to Amerikkkas propaganda machine.
I was on TikTok and went to redNOTE and just signed up as a way to say fuck you to the government. Got bored and checked it out and there lives are incredibly more impressive and full of life. Full of family and love and compassion.
If “communism” is so evil, why do they have no slaves prison labor like the Amerikkkas? Free healthcare? Little to no homelessness? Accepting of others who are different?
We can’t have that communism in this country! That’s not Amerikkka enough! We need to make people afraid to live as we the people are the capatilisms resources. We are not the people.
Good we should be more invested in better apps like redNOTE.
Can we stop min /max for profit and start min/max for kindness
Ohhh good point thank you I didn’t realize that. There isn’t much context for me on it. I appreciate helping. Thank you.
Ohhh the “haha drug addicts are funny” kinda thing. Got it thank you.
I don’t get it? Anybody want to help me understand this. Joke I presume
Capsicum it self. Peppers that don’t have it are fine but the more it has the worse it is for me. Technically not a “allergy” but it’s close enough imo.
No no no. We are currently blaming China, or was it Ukraine? Idk I can’t keep up who America is blaming for its own faults.