I hate that my graphics card has some kind of lights I can’t turn off. I’ve never been interested in any of that stuff
I hate that my graphics card has some kind of lights I can’t turn off. I’ve never been interested in any of that stuff
I don’t want to see the EXPLAIN for that query. This person really needs to learn more about sql, I’d wager.
Modern dialectal ax is as old as Old English acsian and was an accepted literary variant until c. 1600.
So older, yes, but also possibly a separate phenomenon unless certain people happened to still use that variant when enslaving people.
Language Jones is a great channel!
I list n to podcasts about science, space, farming, linguistics, and literature. They’re actually rather interesting. I don’t think I could do just random bullshit
I think it’s meant to be fucking scalding which would be AdjAdj at least, but yeah, I still think it’s dumb.
I mostly write ‘indexes’ these days when I’m not on autopilot, in part since not all of my coworkers have a high English proficiency and just following the normal +(e)s plural makes it easier. My brain really does not want me to write ‘matrixes’ however (and indeed, my dictionary in this browser is fine with ‘indexes’ but not ‘matrixes’). I also try not to be pedantic with verbs whose irregular forms have become less common than their “incorrect” (at least when I was taught) forms. “Shined” being one of these, but I am sure there are more.
I’m in my early 40s and still do a bit. Mostly, between a fulltime job, recently buying a house, and farming, I’ve not had time to play much. I did start BG3 but moved in the midst of it and haven’t touched it in months (I’m at the first hub in whatever act has the darkness… Act II, maybe?) I’d love to actually go back to playing some of the games I loved from the late '80s and early '90s since some of those are much easier to pick up and put down. I did play a little bit of TF2 again recently after at least 5 years (probably more) of not really playing it. This winter, I might pick BG3 back up in between house projects.
I’d have to find it first but it’s (a) like incinerated and, if not, (b) has been decomposing for more than 40 years and I doubt works well as a pressure vessel.
in the jargon of psychological journals from 1990s
Wrong on the when and wrong on the why. https://www.etymonline.com/word/cisgender#etymonline_v_53367
I do Rust and Go and VSCode has been fine for both so far. I put off trying it for ages out of a hatred/distrust of MS products, but I’m quite happy with it.
I mostly just had the alt+whatever codes memorized when I was typing French or German, but I didn’t always have a numpad when I was using laptops away from home. I just ended up using charmap and never realized newer windows had any replacement (although I’m on mac for work and also use linux for both work and some home stuff now as well so not spending as much time in Windows).
Failing that win+r and type charmap
. You can browse symbols there.
“run” is my favorite.
Run a marathon, run for office, fun a business, run off a copy, melt (like makeup running), and a ton more
I knew a guy who worked with stuff at Nasa programmed in Ada and who named his daughter Ada :)
they call it a continental breakfast like it’s supposed to be fancy
They call it continental because it’s in the style of what is served on the (European) continent.
I was porting our old code from PHP to Go at a previous company. I laughed as I copied my then-six-year-old comment “I’m promised by xxxxx that this is a temporary measure <link to slack convo>”.
Asinine business logic can still make some things very hard to read and digest no matter how well-planned and well-written it is (particularly if it is rushed by the business meaning that engineers don’t have time to do it well). As such, there are places where code can’t/won’t be self-documenting to a useful degree.
Thank you! I’ll see what I can find