vitamin water (sugar free, plz) + vodka
vitamin water (sugar free, plz) + vodka
I love this meme and usually snortle every time I see it, but the text on this one has me full on giggling. Thanks for cheering me up 🥰
I love the mosses you have! And that looks like such a refreshing dip
The best hangover cure I’ve ever found. Just have to get there, that’s the worst part
You can change that on a per-profile basis
I never questioned the y but always read it as a G
You wouldn’t steal a handbag; you wouldn’t steal a car; …
I had no idea what I was getting into clicking that link. Saw another comment about it being 40some minutes long but I watched the whole video, it was very interesting! I was tickled by all the things that I can remember from growing up that were referenced
An aside, do you have first hand knowledge of tinkering with trackers?
My friends have the same mop as me. My mind was blown when she unscrewed the cap at the end, pulled the mop head off, and threw it in the washer versus how I’d been painstakingly washing in the bathtub and feeling like an idiot because no matter how hard I wrung it out I couldn’t get it to dry
My world was changed that day as well
Thanks for that initial comment! I went and checked it again. Something is definitely fucky with the mirroring in the images and it’s messing with my eyes 😂
That was a really fascinating read, thanks. Checked out a few of the other links from the wiki. Do you happen to have or know where I can see interior pictures and floorplans?
I’ll try looking it up myself in the meantime; I love stuff of that nature
Maybe that’s why that trend on short form social media really got a foothold. The casually eating while giving some spicy monologue or hot take thing
I could never figure out what made that format rub me the wrong way, maybe that’s it
Maybe it was a tongue-in-cheek recursive acronym
It’s not exactly what you asked, but I’m a little high: if you could decouple the propulsion systems you could go faster. Just like you can’t dangle a magnet in front of a boat to get it to move while it is attached to the same boat
But it reminds me of this:
An article-
And a video(s)-
Also, looking at the picture again and rereading what you wrote: I feel like it’d be like the difference between a person walking parallel to a person walking on a conveyor belt that’s running the same direction they are. Something would be moving you along as you are also moving.
I back that up with the fact the elephant will only have one foot off the ground while walking same as a human would, and their spiderbowl feet would keep it moving forward at a constant rate same as the conveyor would