I’m arguing for pissing on both of their graves and having a fun time doing it.
I’m arguing for pissing on both of their graves and having a fun time doing it.
Sad Joe Porter noises
Amusingly, this also seems to be the history of Palo Alto (see Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris)
Oh fuck, that’s an anti-tank rifle… OH FUCK, THAT’S AN ANTI-TANK RIFLE!
Quest headsets maybe
Communists do have Christmas music though…/s
That was one I didn’t know about before. Someone in the UN, please make this happen. Maybe if China brought it to the general assembly.
Cabover lorry, this is clearly Euro Truck Simulator
But could I do more?
Yeah, I’m really not sure
I know I’m running circles but I can’t quit
I mean, if he pays for legal services or uses Hotspot within the TOS of his carrier, FCC ain’t gonna care about this. So long as the devices weren’t modified in a way that violates Part 15 rules they ain’t gonna give a shit.
I didn’t play Civ II, I was into Starcraft, Incoming (1998 Rage Software), the Motocross Madness demo, Space Cadet, and RCT.
I’m old enough to have played OG Star Craft, v1.0.3 v1.05 on CD ROM on an AMD K6-2 with 64MB of RAM…where’d my ibuprofen go?
Remember, Steve wouldn’t want you to.