Thanks for sharing this kind stranger, I really needed this
Thanks for sharing this kind stranger, I really needed this
What about Penix?
Which client can I use to do this easily?
Please tell me this is not real
Is this real or just a meme?
Best we can do is lemonade, take it or leave it
That’s a big ass mushroom tho
Yes, welcome to the club mate
What is AFTL? Probably not “Anterior talofibular ligament” as the internet told me
You know what else sucks? ^\s
I don’t know who this guy is, and at this point I’m too afraid to ask
Wonderful! Ill look into it, seems very promising, thanks!
It took me a while to understand it’s not yet another Twitter meme
We neef a Federated onlyfans
“it’s already installed”