It had license until 2022. But its editor is known for pushing and protecting Moscow’s ДЭГ where protocols are made up by Sobyanin.
Don’t know what you can receive in Helsinki. Probably something from SPb.
It had license until 2022. But its editor is known for pushing and protecting Moscow’s ДЭГ where protocols are made up by Sobyanin.
Don’t know what you can receive in Helsinki. Probably something from SPb.
For your own sanity don’t watch anything other than science and tech channels and cartoons channels.
Not all of them.
On blackboard you can see “#no war”/“#against war”.
over mailing list.
Amjoin. Iike Brexit, but America and joining.
C++ compiler:
Error: missing ‘;’ on line 69
Warning: two statements on same tabulation depth after if without curly brackets on line 123. Are you sure you want this?
I pirated my own medisal record. It was easy. All I had to do is show passport and wait few days.
If purchase isn’t ownership,
Then it’s time for communusm
EDIT: forgot to type time
Time to write in C
Doom runs without MMU or even MPU. Maybe can run even without context switching.
it’s an fpga with no arm
You can make arm in fpga. Or more realistically RISC-V.
Do they get covered with mold?
Lucky you. It could have been derailed.
Strict aliasing exists not for optimization, but for type alignment. You may need more space on stack to save uint32_t than uint8_t[5] because former has 32-bit alignment.
It’s just cable