It seems to be a semantic distinction. Likely done to distance it from hydrogen fuel cells since these don’t require infrastructure for the storage and transport of elemental hydrogen.
It seems to be a semantic distinction. Likely done to distance it from hydrogen fuel cells since these don’t require infrastructure for the storage and transport of elemental hydrogen.
Why would they consider anything like that? they want China to be worse, not America to be better.
In service for two months, operational for 20 days.
They taught you about pointers in high school? The only course available to me that even touched on programming just covered how to use C to do conditionals, read keyboard input, and print text to a terminal. The bulk of the course was learning MS Office.
They tore it down after it showed up in the background of the victory pics they took after killing tons of civilians and a few hostages to “save” four hostages.
During its operation it produced about the same tons of aid per day as ten trucks. For comparison in August 2024 Israel was still allowing around 500 trucks of aid per day past their blockade, down to around 70 now.
got better in the sense that he recovered and improved, so its a double-win if you think about it.
that’s not just non profits. ever wonder how so many nominally “unprofitable” companies seem to stick around forever?
Great, sounds like they didn’t need that donation money since the CEO will get them all the rich kickbacks they need. So what’s the problem?
i haven’t used an IDE in years but when I did I switched to notepads because every IDE i used was bloated and slow. is this not still the case? frankly VS Code is rapidly approaching the point where it’s just as bloated and slow as I remember those IDEs being so i’m not exactly trying to come to its defense here.
Remember when they at least made transparently bullshit excuses about human shields and terror tunnels when they did their war crimes? I wonder when exactly they worked out they didn’t have to bother anymore.
“Heading toward”? There have been two apocalyptic storms smashing into the US back to back. Worldwide drought, record setting heatwaves, a significant increase in tornadoes, wildfires, and flooding. These fuckers are gonna keep pretending we’re still on the precipice until we’ve hit the bottom of the cliff.
Wow that’s a lot of aid! I wonder what happened that made them need so much of it ?
The major breakthrough here is a method for interfacing brain like organic tissue (that they had already developed) with electronic components. They’re using the brain tissue in a similar fashion as a neural network based AI and training it to relay signals to electronic components in response to certain stimuli, if I understood the article correctly; I skimmed quite a bit though.
Human Shield is a fun little linguistic trick that turns innocent human beings with lives and internality similar to your own into prop objects wielded by an inhuman enemy. This makes it way easier to justify mowing them down in service of your geopolitical goals. Every time that phrase is used it is a sign that someone is probably trying to justify something inhumane; usually something that would be considered a war crime if done against the ones using it.
“()()” is an ambigram, which wikipedia describes as “visual palindromes”, for whatever that’s worth.
Chinese spies incepted Biden into acting like a demented 81 year old with the Havana syndrome gun.
If you disable it you can prevent Microsoft from force updating your windows 10 install to windows 11. Obviously a play to get people to buy new hardware for 11 but a useful anti feature I suppose until you can stomach switching to Linux.
The ones they dropped into the ocean causing people to drown trying to retrieve them or the ones they dropped on top of crowds of people, crushing them?
The fact that Israel suggested the pier to begin with should have tipped everyone off. The lack of aid getting into Gaza is not due to a logistical problem, you can’t solve it through haphazardly slapped together shipping infrastructure. Especially when that infrastructure already existed; does anyone think Gaza didn’t already have a suitable pier? Even if they didn’t there’s tons of aid sitting at the southern border behind lines of Israeli settlers protesting it.
It sounds like they’re a hybrid between hydrogen fuel cells and a traditional battery. Here’s the most digestible explanation I could find of how they work, but I can’t really speak to the quality of the source.