Powerwash Simulator.
Suburban Chicago since 1981.
Powerwash Simulator.
If I’m not mistaken, the Alaska Airlines accident aircraft completed 99 flights, as it went into service only a couple months ago.
Not an expert myself but I binge air crash investigation shows like nobody’s business, and this seems to speak to QC and maintenance workload/culture issues.
Far from it, Debian is one of my favorites, though I run EndeavourOS on my main machine.
It’s Linux Mint Debian Edition that’s the oddball, but in a good way.
LMDE didn’t install the DKMS modules on my kid’s PC, so the nVidia drivers never loaded after a new kernel got installed. I do enough tech support at work so we chucked Pop!_OS on the PC (and set it up with btrfs and timeshift-autosnap) instead. No more problems.
May not be a problem with mainline Mint, of course, but there are weirdos like me who prefer the Debian edition.
nVidia has entered the chat
Why yes, I do have a moment to SPLIT YOUR LUNGS WITH BLOOD AND THUNDER
First thing that came to mind.
Oh good to hear. You gonna try it again?
You died? Did you get better?
Fool! Everyone knows you inject marijuanas. You’re not supposed to snort them. I injected three whole marijuanas 19 hours ago.
Yep, hard-line lawful neutral. Though I lean chaotic evil when someone high enough on the food chain starts complaining.