I started marketing soup and such. Lentils, beans, anythings is mostly viable and much more filling.
I started marketing soup and such. Lentils, beans, anythings is mostly viable and much more filling.
And that is my problem with vegetables. I need to eat for a very, very long time before I’m full.
His son is hardly a child at 54 years old.
I’m sure parents always will see their children as children, no matter their age.
Also relevant: https://www.wired.com/2015/11/null/
There is also I still don’t care about cookies
I don’t follow. How would no IP give more money to the workers? How would no IP change how the company was run?
I’m not arguing IP here, I just seems to me that you are mixing two different things. You can have a employee owned company and still have IP.
Or am I missing something obvious?
I once had a bug in a C# program I wrote. It made a HTTP request and if the user agent was left to default (whatever that was), the server just gave back an empty string as a reply. I took way to long until I understood what was going on and I kept chasing async, thinking I had messed it up some how.
Have any good recipes?
There is a wiki article about it! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tone_indicator
I wish we could take these two comments and have them always show up on the front page.
plant-based steaks
I’ve tried plenty of different plant based meat substitutes and so for, not one of them can hold a candle to the real taste. Like, it is not even close in my opinion. I can see the market for it, but plant based diet can be incredible when not trying to impersonate meat. Like lentils with curry. Not meat required and super tasty.
So would argue that meat substitutes are the wrong way to go if you want to eat tasty non meat stuff.
Having those features would really have made it easier. I have only ever written my python code in Sublime Text. While it is a sublime text editor, at is not ideal (compared to how it is to write Java in IntelliJ) for Python. (Maybe with addons but I never delved into that more than a few.)
It’s because there is no clear indication of where a block ends.
Here is some sample code. I find it difficult to tell how many indentations I have or where I need to write if I want to continue at a certain level.
import time
import aiohttp
Retreives the data from RSS URL and return the status codes as well as the data. Return -1 if something went wrong.
async def get_rss_feed(rss_url):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
retry_count = 0
while retry_count < 5:
async with session.get(rss_url) as resp:
if resp.status == 200:
return {'status': resp.status, 'data': await resp.text()}
retry_count += 1
if retry_count == 5:
raise ValueError('To many failed connection attempts', retry_count)
except aiohttp.InvalidURL as error:
return {'status': -1, 'data': f"Error: {rss_url} is not a valid URL.", 'error': error}
except aiohttp.ClientConnectorError as error:
return {'status': -1, 'data': f"Error: Could not connect to {rss_url}.", 'error': error}
except ValueError as error:
return {'status': -1, 'data': f"Error: Could not connect to {rss_url} after {retry_count} attempts.", 'error': error}
Too much nested code was likely part of the problem, but not being able to easily tell where a block of coded ended without seeing the top of the block made it difficult to work with.
I once wrote a bot in python tdownloaded a ical file, looked for chances and informed me if found. The space indentation made it hell to follow the code in my opinion.
I had to know if this was a joke or not. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/time-to-penis-ttp
I don’t know if linking to websites are legal here or not, so I’ll describe it in a roundabout way.
Take the number ‘leet’, and an X. That is the domain name. to is the tld.
In short, [leet (as a number) x] [dot] [to].
Hope it makes sense. That website should have have the droids you are looking for. Just be cautious.
I love the part about not eating the raccoon.
I read it as snark/sarcasm. Like they are adding something that already should be.