Red pill. Would save so much more in childhood trauma and that’s priceless.
Just your average translater living in her goth slut era
Red pill. Would save so much more in childhood trauma and that’s priceless.
Cute lesbian couple.
Thank you for your service. Do you take skritches for payment?
5 years ago I would smile with no light in my eyes. It was eerie. Now I radiate. 🥰
I am, but it’s a day-by-day affair. I recently found out I have bipolar along with anxiety, but even so, I came out 4 years ago and my life has vastly improved.
Could be by location. Never had them in a small new england town, but I believe I did in San Diego
I would give myself a hug and tell myself it’ll all be ok.
Witch here. Nailed it.
Mf’ing OOP posting like it’s their job, damn.
Needs more dayglo, UV reactive bones
That only works in Uno, babe.
Yes, but then you had those stairs that weren’t and some body was creating a hole in drywall
Saving this post for all the awesome music recommendations