I don’t remember the name but it’s a depiction of a cave explorer that got stuck like that and died. While there was help at the place to try and get him out they couldn’t. If I remember correctly he’s still stuck in that same place.
I don’t remember the name but it’s a depiction of a cave explorer that got stuck like that and died. While there was help at the place to try and get him out they couldn’t. If I remember correctly he’s still stuck in that same place.
True, though on a Swedish keyboard layout it’s much quicker and easier to get to in my opinion.
That’s wat ctrl+a do, go to front. Ctrl+e is go to end. Use it all the time!
Yup, totally agree. Changed my microwaving habits a few years back. 3 minutes at about 600 watts works like a charm for just about everything. Add a minute or so if you’re heating soup or something else with a lot of mass/water.
I always did 2 minutes at maximum power previously and it was always like the surface of the sun on the outside and cold on the inside.
Had a look at Louise Rossmans video yesterday about this and from what he showed he got it on all browsers.
You can blame that on the Romans. October was the eighth month.
Yhea, I’ve been using Eternity for almost all my Lemmy browsing. Only client for me!