gameplay doesn’t matter. If it’s written in rust it will automatically be fun.
gameplay doesn’t matter. If it’s written in rust it will automatically be fun.
and that’s how docker was invented
that’s why gen ai models are not “open source”, ever. If they were, this group would’t have to “try”, they could just run the build script.
Of course, the training data and software is not available. The weights are just a binary blob. It’s not the source, but merely the “compiled binary”
it should run chatgpt on every cell with the prompt ‘if you had to interpret the value “$VALUE” as a date, what would be the date?’, and then replace each cell’s value with the answer.
no, the strongest and fastest weakened the egg for you, then you just strolled right in and took all the glory.
even if they get the words wrong, but the timestamps right, it’d still save a lot of time
this is just horrible advice
it’s the second language that comes to mind when I think of the word “footgun”, right after old c++
all json is valid yaml and can be parsed with a yaml parser. Yaml is literally a superset of json. In what world are they not comparable?
one of the most popular languages, used in one of the most popular game engines, has no learning resources?
Press X to doubt
Quite bad actually, since most of this stuff is not specific to c#, and are just basic programming concepts. This leads me to believe that your python experience is “coby and paste stuff in until it looks like it works”, and you never took the time to understand what the code does.
but if not, and they have two or more children ic tje amount gets split between them. Then you handlo those, and their children etc. It’s financial homeopathy
but we aren’t any closer to agi than we were in the 50’s. $100 billion in revenue for openai won’t be any closer to agi either.
i’d say it’s closer to 105
yes to all of those…
ceo of a US health insurance company
humans aren’t inherently evil. Most aren’t, I agree. But some just are.
bruce wayne does in fact fight crime with money too. But it’s not enough, so he also needs to be the batman.
I always structure my projects such that there is one file you run, and it does the whole build unattended
i prefer c than python tbh. When I write a c application, it keeps working. When I write a python script, it rots and rarely lasts a year before I have to stop whatever else I’m doing and dive back into the python code to get it working again