Probably trying to paint a narrative that Zelensky is undemocratic and corrupt, which some people in the US might believe.
I wonder how many people actually have a problem with this. Very few I’d suspect. Zelensky still seems popular within Ukraine, and I think most would agree that this isn’t a good time for a change in leadership. Plus elections are expensive and nobody in the occupied space would be able to vote. Yeah I think this was the right call.
I hope this is real. If you look into it and find it isn’t real, don’t tell me.
This is a joke, right? This feels like a very dumb solution. I don’t know much about UTF-8 encoding, but it sounds like Roman characters can be encoded shorter than most or all others because of a shorthand that assumes Roman characters. In that case, why not take that functionality and let a UTF-8 block specify which language makes up most of the text so that you can have that savings almost every time? I don’t see why one would want it to be random.
That’s the dangerous aspect of capitalism. The best thing for a business is to have no competition, but the best thing for us is fierce competition. Take the internet. ISPs fought hard early on to get regional monopolies which they exploit today. Nobody can compete with Comcast where I live because Comcast will just use their market position to price them out. Is it really a free market if one company is completely invulnerable? Comcast might be free, but are its competitors or customers free? Free market needs to be redefined. Our government has the power to fix this, they just don’t feel like it.
We forgot them, and now Hong Kong is just as repressed as the rest of China.
I’ve probably gotten it at least once, since most people are asymptomatic. I’ve never had symptoms and never tested positive. Still, I feel like there’s a good chance I just got it and it was never detected.
Someone actually emailed Valve about this back in 2013. Here’s their response:
Thank you for contacting Steam Support. In the unlikely event of the discontinuation of the Steam network, measures are in place to ensure that all users will continue to have access to their Steam games.
It seems like Valve wants us to think they have an EoL plan. With the goodwill they’ve built over the years, I want to believe them.
I’d say in your case piracy was 1000% justified. You bought it, you should be able to play it.
I think piracy is acceptable if one of these two conditions are met:
identifying legitimate problems with the best available option
Being closed source and using DRM aren’t necessarily problems. In Valve’s case, they aren’t at all. Valve’s DRM doesn’t hurt performance, and doesn’t stop you from playing their games offline.
Closed source isn’t necessarily evil, neither is DRM. It’s all in how you implement it.
Valve’s launcher/drm are so much less intrusive than their competitors. They’ve demonstrated more openness to user customization and modding over the years than just about anyone else. If we didn’t have Valve, we would have more EA and Epic Games, do you really want that?
This could be so much longer.
Killing children, class systems, so many programming language names, the ridiculous ways equality and order-of-operations are done sometimes. Plenty of recursion jokes to be made. Big O notation. Any other ideas?
I was so confused, I thought that said ‘overcomplicated Borg’ and thought I was on Risa.
Obligatory I am not a lawyer, this is just my opinion.
A let’s play is a derivative work. You can claim fair use, but that’s hard to do. Fair use often boils down to a question of ‘does the derivative work compete with the original enough to cause a loss in sales?’ Think of when people film themselves watching a movie for YouTube, without cutting anything out and barely commentating over anything, meaning that someone could watch their video instead of the movie and get almost the same content.
In this case, he filmed himself playing the entirety of a visual novel. I think it’s fair to say that for a lot of people, his let’s play could absolutely substitute for playing the game, thus losing sales for the developer.
Wow…this summary had almost nothing to do with Ukraine…
Sorry bot, you usually do a good job, but not this time.
It’s not a balanced meal without an Epyc 128-core CPU, a terabyte of RAM, and a custom one-of-a-kind case.
You’ll get your rent when you fix this ****** door.