I don’t read my replies
We have a constellation of satellites constantly broadcasting the most accurate time humans can measure and it’s crazy every device doesn’t have an antenna to pick this up and set the time.
When I was a kid, I thought people who lived like that were just on TV. Middle class existence was as relevant to my experience as robot maids and talking cars.
Honestly I’m still a little suspicious. Hollywood contrivances are a history of how we think of ourselves, not of how we are.
This man owns a two story home in the Chicago suburbs with an attic and a basement. The conflict of the story is how he won’t be able to add a pool to this palace. He lusts after some random girl at the mall when Beverly DiAngelo is right there.
I will never relate to this man.
it’s just a pan
You can take care of your pans anyway you want. But it’s telling when people treat neglect like it’s an ethic.
The people responsible for your anxiety are not offshore, they’re upstairs.
Fine, but we still have the enormous technical challenge of landscape vs. portrait orientation of the cylinder.
The concept of free will is way older than Christianity. Even the story of the Garden predates Christ, as does the book of Job which addresses free will directly. And the concept of a “clockwork” universe is quite out of date too. Many phenomena are probabilistic while some phenomena have no cause at all (big bang).
Wow when I was in High School, I’m pretty sure all the male students were just issued a copy of The Wall on cassette, album, CD, and VHS. Do they not have pot where you live?
it never occurred to me just how brand-conscious super heroes are in general.
Unfortunately the lesson from Gaddafi is never, under any circumstances, abandon your nuclear weapons program.
I’ve always suspected that many of these kinds of images were staged or propaganda.
Every so often you’ll see a meme on Reddit with a bunch of American teenagers being athletic in the 60s. The meme suggests that people were healthy and fit back then, but I happen to know that the footage was for a physical fitness push at the time (gotta do more pushups than the commies) and the athletes were far from typical students.
New CEO --> layoffs ----> line go up ----> ops, not genius after all ----> deploy golden parachute.
Is it supposed to be a cow? I saw a space invader. (must be moving pretty quick since it’s alone)
Piracy isn’t like child molestation, you’re right. But neither is drug abuse.
What kids today will never know is that until the 80s and 90s, there was so little content on TV that a show could be popular for decades. I know that cable does reruns too, but it’s not the same when you’ve got 3-5 channels to choose from. Basically every show was as big as “Seinfeld” and “Friends” by virtue of just being the only thing decent on right now. You could reference ancient shows from the literal dawn of recording TV broadcasts like “I Love Lucy” and “The Andy Griffith Show” and reasonably expect a random stranger to know what you were talking about. In a HS art class, all the students marveled at the Japanese girl who’d never seen “The Wizard of OZ”. A movie that was annual broadcast event on network TV like the Oscars.
Anyway gag from the holiday episode in an obscure TV sitcom in the 70s is going to be familiar to just about everybody born between 1945 and 1980.
Any fruit can have fruit fly eggs. They’re attracted to overripe fruit, and even though what you bought was fresh, it might have been on the dock next to something turning into wine. I avoid fresh fruit from Walmart because they seem to be particularly bad, but flies are in high end groceries and farmers markets too. Every grocery store is in a constant, if discrete war with the creatures.
They can be quite annoying and breed famously quickly. A friend went on vacation for a week with some banana peels or something in the trash and came home to a swarm of thousands.
Perhaps you live in a cool climate? It’s sub-tropical where I am and the flies usually disappear with the fall weather.
I can’t help but notice that’s an awfully small wiener. Confirms my priors.
Is that true? the space bar is a keyboard shortcut?
My latest keyboard doesn’t have a ctrl on the right side and it took me 2 weeks to adjust.
There is not more danger now than there was centuries ago
The way you describe American history as “centuries” like we’re the Roman Empire or Egypt when we’ve only got 2.5 centuries to choose from.
Good news everyone!