Sorry I can’t get passed the paywall.
Sorry I can’t get passed the paywall.
This article doesn’t even mention Assange’s name.
I just read the whole wiki on assange, didn’t see anything about selective leaking or any bias from him.
Could you please provide sauce for this claim?
Assange is a brilliant man and a hacktivist from what I read.
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Agreed 100%.
Also Assange is a whistleblower and is in jail for it… Sad.
Yes. Like a heavy armor plated Lamborghini.
Lol OK buddy, I went to school for this and worked in a power plant.
I concede that it is exponential and not logarithmic, but the original statement of yours “loses its harm exponentially” is what got us going down this tangent. I think that statement is misleading, because the truth is that the waste loses its harm exponentially slower as time goes on.
Exponential decay is not the same as “exponentially losing its harm”
It very slowly “loses its harm” and as time progresses, it gets even slower.
The inverse of an exponential function is still an exponential function.
This link shows that the number of nuclides decreases at a slower rate as time goes on. Opposite of an exponential function.
As time progresses the rate at which the nuclear waste decays into innert matter is slower and slower. This is not at all an exponential rate.
So I don’t think it’s correct to say “loses its harm exponentially.”
It “loses its harm” more slowly as time goes on
I could be wrong but I thought rate of decay was a logarithmic function, not exponential.
I watched that video, and while I agree that nuclear waste is safer than fossils fuels, there is still a non-zero risk to storing nuclear waste, especially if you consider how long it remains radioactive.
Would I prefer to live near a nuclear plant or a coal plant? definitely nuclear.
Wind, solar, and renewables are still cleaner than nuclear.
Also burying nuclear waste in what that video says:
[far away from] any geologically active area
With climate change we are seeing extreme weather events and earthquakes more frequently than expected. Who’s to say that areas which are currently not active won’t become active.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand renewables are not going to supply all the power we need right now. I realize that nuclear is the cleaner option (comprlared to fossils fuels).
However, I am still concerned about the nuclear waste. I’m glad they have tight security, and it’s good to know the barrels are missile resistant… But nothing is 100% safe. If a terrorist decides to make one of these sites a target, and they have enough money and influence, I’m sure it’s possible for them to penetrate security and penetrate those barrels.
Radiation levels are low around the barrels but if contamination occurs that would still be a disaster.
Privacy policies have become much more readable in my experience. I still feel like I’m the only one who reads them though.
That said… I think that companies that won’t allow you to use their app without consenting to your data being sold are scum of the earth.
The problem with nuclear is nuclear waste. Nuclear waste is stored in barrels in caves and buried. It remains radioactive for thousands of years. By creating nuclear waste we are forcing 100 generations after us to live with this nuclear waste. I don’t know all the details but they say it’s “safe.”
Hard to believe how safe something can be from an inconvenient earthquake or terrorist attack.
Doesn’t the NSA violate the rights is all Americans anyway?
Hmm… Something something Firefox
Companies hire hackers to help them harden their systems and prevent being hacked.
I don’t know much about Palantir but if they advertise themselves as a spy company then maybe they could help shed some light on common methods used in the industry to prevent just that.
It was literally a battle for me to have a strong unique password for our baby monitor… Wife was not happy about that but I came out on top.
Prosecuting Assange is a blow against freedom of press.