Not a lot, make sure they have food and water, and that they are sheltered from predators at night. We have six hens and a rooster. The work consists of cleaning the coop once a week, and at the same time clean and refill the water dispenser and fill up the food reservoir. My kids do this in half an hour. We also have to pick up the eggs daily. We raised our Brahma chickens ourselves after hatching them in an incubator, and they are wonderful pets.
Edit: because we feed them a more varied diet, the eggs also taste better.
As a European I have to say, you are very optimistic about our train schedules.
I saw one on reddit this morning which was even better! (it was since deleted by the mods there)
I have seen ads on the internet for over twenty years. The enshitification is not because of ads, but because of the will of a few big companies to extract as much money from the internet as possible, without wanting to give anything in return and without even contributing in any way.
Edit: the OP however, should really learn to use a free photoshop alternative for the logo creation thing.
I don’t know if this is possible on Amazon, but on our local alternative ( for the Dutchies) it is possible to buy e-books for one cent, which will get you free shipping. I have quite a selection of e-books I’ll probably never read, but which were just the right amount to get free shipping.
In some cases, the wealth might simple be gone because the stock crashes of which the bulk of the wealth is built.
Camera lenses are also distorting?
People from south America aren’t Americans then?
What you call a good thing, I call green washing.
Still, open source AI will still help the same companies getting richer because the needed computing power can be found in these data centers. The companies don’t even care if it’s AI, crypto or whatever the next thing is, as long as it needs lots of power and bandwidth.
Tell me about it. In the Netherlands wind farms are built, and, on paper, these datacenter companies buy up all of the energy from them. Meanwhile, the reason why these wind farms were built is to burn less fossil fuels, but that won’t work now because of all the extra energy consumption.
They’ve missed AirBNB and the likes.
The whole COVID made the kids dumb is just the newest excuse in a long line. Before that it were phones, computers, calculators and probably a lot more. My kids are from the new generation, and they’re doing just fine.
Are you sure? Because that might say as much about you as about the people you know.
I was confused, teef is the Dutch word for bitch (as in female dog).
Funny is not an objective quality. The OP can find it hilarious, while you find it unfunny. You can always post something that’s funny to you.
Foxes would definitely be a problem, but cats don’t go near the chickens over here.