Okay but it did mean fascism after ww2. You know, after nazi collaborators participated in the holocaust in Ukraine, killing Ukrainian Jewish folks and others.
I dont think the original Ukrainian republic in 1917 was fascist though, we agree there.
That’s not the point. The point is: Ukraine is a normal country, nor a fascist hellhole nor a perfect Paradise. Their national symbol is also used by its far right, today and during the WWII; just like all other countries under the Nazi rule in Europe. And just like all other countries under the Nazi rule in Europe, they continued to use their national symbols after the WWII.
I have literally dedicated years of my life to a thorough understanding of German fascism, I know what fascism is. France is ideologically fascist and transitioning to it economically.
The difference is that at the time the fasces were adopted they didn’t mean fascism.
And the tryzub didn’t mean fascism when it was firstly adopted by the (menchevik communist) Ukrainian People’s Republic in 1917…
Okay but it did mean fascism after ww2. You know, after nazi collaborators participated in the holocaust in Ukraine, killing Ukrainian Jewish folks and others.
I dont think the original Ukrainian republic in 1917 was fascist though, we agree there.
Vichy France of Pétain participated in the Holocaust too. France still use the fasces, the same anthem and the same flag.
Well, hot take /s, France bad
That’s not the point. The point is: Ukraine is a normal country, nor a fascist hellhole nor a perfect Paradise. Their national symbol is also used by its far right, today and during the WWII; just like all other countries under the Nazi rule in Europe. And just like all other countries under the Nazi rule in Europe, they continued to use their national symbols after the WWII.
they sure did continue to use there national symbols
The point I was making is that France is also a fascist hellhole.
You have no idea of what fascism is.
I have literally dedicated years of my life to a thorough understanding of German fascism, I know what fascism is. France is ideologically fascist and transitioning to it economically.
Vichy France bad
Mhmm. And you have to look at what France does to immigrants right now
We don’t gas them, so it’s not as bad. But yeah it’s still not great
I mean, you don’t have to gas people to be fascist, look at the US