Its not fair to pick on liberals because they don’t understand words or concepts like liberalism
If this was really the case then the onus would be leftists to articulate in simpler language. You can’t mobilize the common folk if you can speak the common language.
But most of the time its either the liberals lack the prerequisite historical knowledge or they just have antiegalitarian values.
Also liberals in the comments: This is about me, specifically.
Also also liberals in the comments: Cracking jokes at the expense of liberals in the comments.
love y’all
Guessing by OP the definition of liberal here is libertarian?
The hegemonic ideology of the capitalist world. Here’s the Wikipedia summary to give you something palatable. They don’t mean “liberal” in the American sense of “Democrat-aligned”.
Over time, the meaning of liberalism began to diverge in different parts of the world. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica: “In the United States, liberalism is associated with the welfare-state policies of the New Deal programme of the Democratic administration of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt, whereas in Europe it is more commonly associated with a commitment to limited government and laissez-faire economic policies.”
Fucking Americans always gotta be different
No, a liberal, ie someone who espouses liberalism, the free market capitalist ideology. Libertarians are anti-state liberals.
Liberalism has one necessity of wanting a very limited government. The same as libertarian. No state would be anarchist?
the dominant form of libertarianism in the United States. This libertarianism, a revival of classical liberalism
no the definition of a liberal here is a liberal
Seems to be directed against me. Just want to make clear I dislike the (current) capitalist system and would not describe myself as a liberal. But I also see the benefits of a free market and the reasons why communism failed. ~> I ain’t extremist and see the need of a sustainable free market capitalism
Yes, given the rest of your comment, this is directed precisely at you.
There’s no such thing as sustainable Capitalism, and Communism remains the answer.
deleted by creator
Fun fact: I pretty much upvoted all of your memes as I see them to be accurate. Some however display problems which would also occur in a communist society.
Schau mal wo wir hier sind. Genieße die ml runterwählis, Genosse.