This will definitely cause pause amongst the non-cost sunk companies. They will be wondering what Apple knows.
IMO this signals the lack of clear ROI versus maintenance costs. Silicone Valley is used to funding huge projects like Amazon which took years to choke out the competition and make money. But AI is a new market which is more interesting to investors than people who didn’t want it in their mouse.
You know what they meant by the first one. The second one is about people not being interested in dumb products like the Logitech AI mouse. Corporations are all jamming AI into their products and marketing materials not because users like it (they don’t) but because they hope it will attract investors. So AI is more interesting to investors than to people who don’t want it in their mouse.
That should be false advertising; both to consumers and investors. There is nothing AI about a dedicated button preprogrammed to launch an application that does the AI for you.
But I guess that further demonstrates your point about companies cramming shit in consumer’s faces to appease investors. It’s still a huge WTF in my book though.
As someone who works in data privacy, I don’t think the DS crazy ever died down. It’s bigger and more complex than ever. People just got tired of saying “big data” at Silicon Valley bars.
Not only is AI a new market but it’s the only market where someone with way less investment can leapfrog the shit out of you and that group can just release shit for free just to stab you in the dick after billions of investment. Open AI only has a hope if it can get massive state level contracts to fund it, likely by offering some type of surveillance service which they aren’t even specced for but models like these are great at. Just all round bad investment decision to buy into them unless you know what they’re planning.
This will definitely cause pause amongst the non-cost sunk companies. They will be wondering what Apple knows.
IMO this signals the lack of clear ROI versus maintenance costs. Silicone Valley is used to funding huge projects like Amazon which took years to choke out the competition and make money. But AI is a new market which is more interesting to investors than people who didn’t want it in their mouse.
You know what they meant by the first one. The second one is about people not being interested in dumb products like the Logitech AI mouse. Corporations are all jamming AI into their products and marketing materials not because users like it (they don’t) but because they hope it will attract investors. So AI is more interesting to investors than to people who don’t want it in their mouse.
That should be false advertising; both to consumers and investors. There is nothing AI about a dedicated button preprogrammed to launch an application that does the AI for you.
But I guess that further demonstrates your point about companies cramming shit in consumer’s faces to appease investors. It’s still a huge WTF in my book though.
But it’s only four easy interest-free payments of $12.49!
Holy crap! When he said “AI mouse” I thought it was a joke. I mean it is, but, like, I thought it was an amusing fictional story.
Mouse tits?
It’s the Data Science craze all over again. Hope we’re done with this soon.
As someone who works in data privacy, I don’t think the DS crazy ever died down. It’s bigger and more complex than ever. People just got tired of saying “big data” at Silicon Valley bars.
Funny and accurate
we’ll be done with it exactly when the next fad picks up steam
Not only is AI a new market but it’s the only market where someone with way less investment can leapfrog the shit out of you and that group can just release shit for free just to stab you in the dick after billions of investment. Open AI only has a hope if it can get massive state level contracts to fund it, likely by offering some type of surveillance service which they aren’t even specced for but models like these are great at. Just all round bad investment decision to buy into them unless you know what they’re planning.
the current tech is really unsustainable with its cost to usefulness ratio
needs a lot of optimisation to make it work and less “brute forcing” the models