$100k watches? I have seen many instances of the pickup truck driving stereotype but I’ve never seen any of them wearing any sort of watch, let alone an expensive one. Is this specific to some country?
Oh okay that makes sense. I hope we see a story about some tool like that buying a shitty $100k Trump watch and getting their comeuppance. This is definitely someone who would complain about gas prices because there’s no way they could afford a watch like that without feeling hardship.
People who like to be flashy with their money do buy expensive watches, but I only see them in the hundred TO thousand range. Anyone flashing a hundred-thousand dollar watch is out of their mind complaining about fuel prices.
$100-1000 watches are not being flashy with their money. Almost everyone I see with a watch has a watch in that range. Flashy watches are usually 2K absolute minimum. Apple watches are like 300-700 and they’re everywhere.
I had a friend who was REALLY into watches. He had a 7K watch he loved to show off, and he would research watches literally every day and knew tons about them. Walking around with him was wild because we would walk by some random dude in a tshirt and he would suddenly lean over and whisper “he’s wearing a Goobly-Gluk Goober FX367, that’s a 25K watch!”
$100k watches? I have seen many instances of the pickup truck driving stereotype but I’ve never seen any of them wearing any sort of watch, let alone an expensive one. Is this specific to some country?
It’s a reference to the 100k Trump watch. So still specific to the US
Oh okay that makes sense. I hope we see a story about some tool like that buying a shitty $100k Trump watch and getting their comeuppance. This is definitely someone who would complain about gas prices because there’s no way they could afford a watch like that without feeling hardship.
They do feel hardship, but there are quite a few people that see donating to trump and trump merch as necessities (and not all of them are Americans).
People who like to be flashy with their money do buy expensive watches, but I only see them in the hundred TO thousand range. Anyone flashing a hundred-thousand dollar watch is out of their mind complaining about fuel prices.
The rest of the meme tracks in suburban Kentucky.
$100-1000 watches are not being flashy with their money. Almost everyone I see with a watch has a watch in that range. Flashy watches are usually 2K absolute minimum. Apple watches are like 300-700 and they’re everywhere.
I had a friend who was REALLY into watches. He had a 7K watch he loved to show off, and he would research watches literally every day and knew tons about them. Walking around with him was wild because we would walk by some random dude in a tshirt and he would suddenly lean over and whisper “he’s wearing a Goobly-Gluk Goober FX367, that’s a 25K watch!”
I don’t care about watches at all.
My bad, I was thinking hundreds to thousands.
I wasn’t thinking about smart watches, but I haven’t been sold on them yet.
It’s not that much but certainly out of my reach
In my mind, the $100k watch sterotype fits more with one of those pimped out Hummers than a $70k pickup truck.
I doubt those guys complain about fuel prices either.