When Threads launched on Wednesday, numerous right-wing users shared(opens in a new tab) their dissatisfaction(opens in a new tab) with Twitter’s biggest competitor — on Twitter of course — over having their accounts flagged for disinformation. As of Friday, however, it seems the warning label on accounts that reported the issue has since disappeared.
I live in the real world where my government doesn’t care about people and corporations dictate policy through lobbying. But you’re right: the media is programming us and pitching leftwing politics. /s
Actual Left policies would take care of people. We have none of that in contemporary mass media. Go back to Twitter.
You think Leftwing policies will make the world better? We’re already heading towards that and policies have been pretty left for the past decade or so. Is the US becoming any better as a society? Not at all.
You clearly have no understanding of Left politics. Bernie Sanders is Left. Dems are centrists. You’re not educated on the topics you’re commenting on. The US is and has been deeply right-wing since WWII.
And you think you are educated? Dems are not centrists. If you are Dem you likely support LGBT, abortion, marijuana, anti-gun, etc. US has been liberal/left-leaning for the last decade. The average millenial/Gen Z is also very left-leaning and liberal.
I clearly know more about Left politics than you. I spend a ton of time consuming a wide variety of political content. I even spend a fair amount of time checking in on Fox News articles to know what messages they’re spinning on the right.
Your arguments demonstrate that you have a limited understanding of the political landscape as one might have if only thinking there are two flavors of politics: GOP and DNC. I can assure you there’s an entirely different definition of Left than Dems. I am not a Dem. They are also my political enemies.
Liberalism in the USA is a right-wing ideology.
No it’s not. Please read up on that. Liberalism in USA is left-wing/progressive. The opposite of that is Conservatism.