Jokes aside - I was planning to do a Linux build, does that mean I should skip Ubuntu and go Mint? I’m going to be using the build for media and gaming (emulation)
Edit: I would like to thank you all for the responses, just goes to show how lovely the Linux community is! Will be trying Mint :)
I prefer mint over ubuntu. Also, I dont know about anyone else, but for me transition from windows to mint was easier than transition to ubuntu or pop os
I’d recommend Mint. Cinnamon is a great DE, and everything works out of the box. It’s a Debian-family distro, which means it can install DEB packages. Overall a great experience, and my personal favorite.
There aren’t many reasons at all to use Ubuntu over Mint, and in fact there are many downsides to Ubuntu these days (package management and installation being the worst). Get a USB drive with at least 4(?) gb of space and make a live install of Mint then give it a whirl. Odds are it will meet your needs without a lot of effort.
Jokes aside - I was planning to do a Linux build, does that mean I should skip Ubuntu and go Mint? I’m going to be using the build for media and gaming (emulation)
Edit: I would like to thank you all for the responses, just goes to show how lovely the Linux community is! Will be trying Mint :)
I prefer mint over ubuntu. Also, I dont know about anyone else, but for me transition from windows to mint was easier than transition to ubuntu or pop os
I’d recommend Mint. Cinnamon is a great DE, and everything works out of the box. It’s a Debian-family distro, which means it can install DEB packages. Overall a great experience, and my personal favorite.
I use LMDE btw.
There aren’t many reasons at all to use Ubuntu over Mint, and in fact there are many downsides to Ubuntu these days (package management and installation being the worst). Get a USB drive with at least 4(?) gb of space and make a live install of Mint then give it a whirl. Odds are it will meet your needs without a lot of effort.