How come finding this as the first thing on my feed feels like an omen?
I don’t even have a car and Im scared now
Agreed….except for me it’s surprise dental work that started today that insurance doesn’t fully cover 😩
I’ve never had to shell out thousands of dollars to repair a train/bus/bicycle/shoes.
Motornormativity is a driving factor (pun intended) of the cost of living affordability crisis and class inequality.
Cities have to be designed for people, not cars!
lol I fucking wish.
Sure, but this is a little like saying “there is no moral consumption under capitalism, so I choose not to participate in it.” The reality is that the entire society around you is fundamentally built upon something, to the point that only the people who aren’t financially struggling can afford to insulate themselves from it. If someone is financially hurting, telling them “lol just move across town to an apartment that costs 6x as much so you can be near a station and take the train to work” is a fucking deranged suggestion.
Nice straw man, my guy. Clearly I’m not telling people to live somewhere they cannot afford. Some places where it is possible to live car free/car light are super expensive. The reason for that is those are the places with the highest demand, because lots of people realize that is the best way to live.
I’m not saying “just move”, I’m saying be a YIMBY. Be the person that writes your city councilor or goes to town hall meetings and says “Yes, please build more transit”, or “Yes, please build more bike lanes”, or “Yes, please build higher density housing”. The more places where it is possible to live car free/car light, the more the demand will be eased and it will become more affordable.
Also, it may already be more affordable than you think, if you consider your housing and transportation as a single item in your budget. The average car owner spends over $1000 per month to own and operate a car. So even if you move to somewhere the rent is 50% higher, you may still come out ahead by giving up your car.
Unless you live in Phoenix, your city was not build around cars. Your city was built around train stations and street cars. Sections of it were bulldozed in the last couple of decades to make room for more cars.
Sure and same.
However, replace car with computer and the same meme applies to me. I was planning to have build a small NAS setup but my 5 year old PC started acting up. As far as I can tell, I need to replace motherboard and GPU, both. 😐
See, this is why I like relying on public transit and my e-bike, even with their annoyances.
Health care gives us enough financial terrors. I don’t need my mode of transport to also sometimes need Wad of Cash Implants to live.
I did have to replace my eBike motor after the first 4500 miles.
Felt that so hard
Finally got some overtime, a whole 32 hours. On my way home my car started overheating for no reason… Well there’s probably a reason but I don’t know it. There’s coolant in there so idk
I had this phase of my life as well. Some sweat and wrenching on things yourself can pay off big sometimes. And now with YouTube a lot of the time you can learn exactly what you need. Might be hard though if you’re working that much overtime
A blown headgasket could be the worst culprit. Less expensive is the cooling fan(s) and/or fan controller could have died, or the water pump failed somehow. Even cheaper is the thermostat, or the serpentine belt.
Maybe you already got it resolved, but just in case for those who might need some guidance… There you go.
Not trying to be mean or snarky, but if car trouble is enough to put your “good financial position” in jeopardy, then I’m not sure I agree with you that you’re in a “good” financial position.
Much of Americas idea of financial security is not living paycheck to paycheck.
When you’ve been destitute your entire adult life, it feels good to finally be caught up on everything for a moment and be able to breathe a little. For most people, the hardest part of building that nest egg to handle a financial hiccup is simply making enough money to even save anything.
Not sure why you are being downvoted it’s the truth. A good financial position includes having a healthy emergency fund to buffer some of lifes large unexpected expenses, such as car trouble.
The reality is most people aren’t in good financial positions, which is a key feature of capitalism.
I’m not certain, either. I think some people are ignorant enough that they would take my statement as a personal insult, which it is absolutely not, in any way shape or form.
It is not a character flaw for someone to not have enough money to handle unpredictable expenses. But it is naive and/or ignorant to consider yourself in “good financial position” if you’re not in good enough shape to afford necessary transportation related expenses like car repairs or acquiring a new vehicle when the old one dies.
Exactly, I think they are just being a troll.
I appreciate you for acknowledging it.
Likewise 🫶
Yes. Because everyone makes the same amount of money you do…
It takes a certain amount of money to achieve a good financial position. It’s simply not possible if your below the middle class. That’s sort of how capitalism works.
Takes a certain amount of ignorance to think everyone is in the same position financially like you do
You can be poor af and still have a car. You can be rich af and not have one. Money is not the sole factor in owning a car.
I don’t think you understand what it means to be in a good financial position. Can you afford to go without work for at least 6 months? Can you survive unexpected expenses, for example car health home expenses without taking on debt? If you can’t, you simiply aren’t in a good financial position.
I am not saying everyone is in the same financial position… in fact I’m literally saying that being in a good financial position is a privilege that is made incredibly hard to obtain under capitalism.
If you don’t think people should have a car if they’re poor, you’re very ignorant.
And you saying capitalism every other sentence just makes me believe you’re a troll. Give it a rest.
I’m a communist, hence why I like to point out the flaws of capitalism. If anything you’re the troll here and you need to chill out.
I’m not saying that poor people shouldn’t own cars. In our car centric world the reality is you NEED a car, unless you have good public transit available.
I’m simply saying that the objective reality is a good financial position implies being able to buffer yourself from the uncertainty of life.
If you can’t, you aren’t in a good financial position. It is extremely hard to be poor and be in a good financial position. Capitalism is systematically set-up to keep poor people poor and rich people rich.
Communists are the vegans and linux users of the world. They can’t possibly think of anything else to do but parrot the same ads every chance they get. It’s pretty funny and ironic.
While I anticipated snark and/or sarcasm as a response, I feel that it’s totally unwarranted. I’m of the opinion that the amount of money I make is irrelevant here, so I would only ask: Why do you feel that’s relevant?
My statement is not a value judgement on anybody that can’t afford a car repair, so if that’s how you are interpreting what I said, that’s more of a reflection on yourself than on me.
Not trying to be mean or snarky, but if car trouble is enough to put your “good financial position” in jeopardy…
While I anticipated snark and/or sarcasm as a response, I feel that it’s totally unwarranted. I’m of the opinion that the amount of money I make is irrelevant here,
Uh huh
I noticed that you didn’t bother to answer or either acknowledge my question, which makes me think you’re just being a troll. I would actually feel bad if you were legitimately upset by anything I said, for the record, but your responses leave me feeling like you’re just poking for an emotional response.
Maybe they’re a kid?
No i did not “answer your question”, because you’re hypocrisy was what I highlighted.
I could care less about what you think, buddy. You’re not clever or smart. For the record.
turns music up
Cars are like onions; they make you cry.
Nah, the reason I was in a bad situation before is because I bought a new car. Since it’s new it won’t break, problem solved!
Cars are a scam to keep the working class poor
Shhh don’t say that I just bought one
i don’t accept this energy 🙏✨
Also my car when I am not in a good financial position
This literally just happened to me. Cylinder misfire. Fml.
It’s all ogre