I can’t believe nobody has done this list yet. I mean, there is one about names, one about time and many others on other topics, but not one about languages yet (except one honorable mention that comes close). So, here’s my attempt to list all the misconceptions and prejudices I’ve come across in the course of my long and illustrious career in software localisation and language technology. Enjoy – and send me your own ones!

  • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    Huh, interesting. I learned a little hebrew (modern) and a few words of arabic. I know I learned “yes” in hebrew and thought I also did in arabic. However, as I understand it, arabic is more like many separate languages bound by some commonalities, so maybe that factor is what I am confused by.

    As far as “oui” in french, that one I learned about and it’s theorized (from memory, I may be a bit off) that it came from a contraction of two latin words meaning something like “it is so”. The contraction originally started with a hard consonant but it fell off over time, leaving “oui”. It is also an interesting read to look up!