According to a report by Israeli paper Yedioth Ahronoth, which cited the Israeli foreign ministry on Sunday, Turkiye blocked Israel from taking part in an annual NATO military exercise focused on resilience, combat readiness and emergency preparedness.
Ankara reportedly did so by using its veto power – as a key member state in the military alliance – to attempt to exclude Tel Aviv, ensuring NATO does not unanimously accept Israeli participation in its exercises.
Rare turkiye W
virtue signalling, they probably have their hands full murdering civilians so they wouldn’t be there anyway.
Its not even virtue signalling, their interests straight up collide with the zionists interests.
they have been good friends dividing Syria, how do you see a conflict?
The mutual enemy is gone and now turkish backed HTS is in power, things change. “Greater Israel” includes Syria, just like it is included in the Neottomanist project.
Al Qaeda and ISIS are Israeli proxies
turkish backed HTS They are at least also US backed.
yea its messy but turkiye is the main backer, we’ve seen jolani drive erdogan as a chaffeur before. SDF were the main US proxies in the region, which definitely collaborated with HTS as we saw how they are in talks to merge. we’ll see how it unfolds, jihadists are not going to stay put.
Turkiye neottomanist project clashes with the zionist project, conflict is inevitable.
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never takes much for a zionist to fly off the handle and start calling people terrorists 🤦
Considering the fact that Israel voted to screw Ukraine (and I’m putting this very politely), I think Turkey has a good reason to say no to Israel, as now Ukraine is now going to be an increasingly European Union issue, if it already wasn’t.
A whole nation of anti-semites, what a shame.
I think you dropped something:
That’s like a comedian doing a big wink after every joke.
Sadly it’s needed here, especially when there’s a new influx of Reddit immigrants, who’d previously been in a corporate hasbara bubble.
True, but I’ll not tailor myself to fit them. I get that not everyone is going to get me, but I’m not posting ridiculous shit with zero context at all hours for them.
There are zionists who genuinely think that anti-semitism = Anti-zionism, it’s important to add the /s so people know you aren’t one of those. The intonation of sarcasm can’t be read unfortunately
That’s why I enjoy the use of the reply button, leads to further discussions.
Discussions are great. I’m just warning that without a clear mark of sarcasm, that kind of comment will certainly come off as Zionist
It only works as a joke without the /s when your audience knows you well enough to know it’s meant as a joke. That does not apply to you when you post on Lemmy.
Of course it applies to me, I’m the one making the joke. Out of everyone here, no one is more aware of the joke than me.
If you’re your own audience, then you can keep the joker in your head. Posting it on Lemmy broadcasts it to everyone here and that makes all of us your audience.
I’m aware how posting works, thanks.
Using /s is never not cringe
Use “!” at the end of your joke/sarcastic comment. I found it easier to distinguish sarcasm that way.
That is a less annoying alternative, thanks!
I agree, it’s equivalent to someone saying a joke and then following up with “I’m just joking!” We know you are. Anyone with a sense of nuance picked up on that, by the words you chose to use.
Just like with the spoken word, sometimes jokes are in poor taste or fall flat, but the /s makes every joke fall flat.
Yeah, that would be true if on the internet people were always joking with their shitty takes.
Nothing like laughing a joke when it wasn’t a joke
That’s the fun thing about the internet, you’re free to disregard and ignore comments that don’t appeal to you. Life is too short to take everything so seriously all the time. Which leads to the beauty of the reply button, it can lead to clarification, if you so desire.
Read your own advice, bud
Edit: my bad i thought this was a diffrent person and came off too hot.
Israel are the new nazis. They hate themselves
They clearly have no respect for people and boundries. By this logic they should be fenced off and left alone to celebrate being chosen people (Cells would also work), before they do any more damage. These nazis have shown the world they can never be trusted with anything. Fuck isreal.
They should be the ones in the open air prison that was Gaza. Let orthodox be petty tyrants over the lesser jews, and we can all observe as jews force other jews into slavery.
Blud’s getting crucified for sarcasm 🥴
I’ve noticed people take comments more seriously recently, I think the recent reddit converts are throwing the vibes off.
The problem with being sarcastic about Zionism is that no matter how ridiculous the thing you say is, the average Zionist will say saying something more ridiculous.
The difference being, they’re ridiculously serious about the things they say.