I’ve always hated case sensitivity. I know that at an ASCII level “variable” != “Variable” but is there really a reason to have a distinction between them?
You are thinking it’s easy because you only think of e == E, but I’ll let you look up collation and accents and, you know, Unicode and let you think about it.
There is nothing trivial about case sensitivity, except in trivial cases.
We do plenty of stuff for human consumption. Computers work for us, not the other way around. Insensitivity should be the default. It’s okay to give options. I’m not saying take that away.
I’ve always hated case sensitivity. I know that at an ASCII level “variable” != “Variable” but is there really a reason to have a distinction between them?
You are thinking it’s easy because you only think of e == E, but I’ll let you look up collation and accents and, you know, Unicode and let you think about it.
There is nothing trivial about case sensitivity, except in trivial cases.
You stated the reason yourself. Those are different values and matching in a case-insensitive manner is more work under the hood.
We do plenty of stuff for human consumption. Computers work for us, not the other way around. Insensitivity should be the default. It’s okay to give options. I’m not saying take that away.
✋ Case insensitive filesystem
👉 Case insensitive file sorting
Humans have to make it do the work. And that’s how Mr; DROP TABLE makes his money.
For some reason we decided that a lot of formats written by computers and read by computers would use ASCII encoding instead of raw data.
Making a json or XML deserializer case insensitive would just make it slower for almost 0 benefit.