It’s also because we started doing shit like using JS in places it really shouldn’t belong. Half the programs on my PC are just webapps running in a sandbox environment, instead of using systems languages like C/C++ directly like was the case 15-20 years ago. Abstractions on top of abstractions on top of abstractions. JS was fine for embellishing elements of a web site and facilitating AJAX, it should have never been turned into an app language.
That’d be like if interpreted BASIC was taken seriously in the 80s as more than just a toy and the majority of popular software was written in it. We’d rightfully question WTF society was thinking.
No we wouldn’t, and this is a crazy take when like half of Linux runs on interpreted python.
You’re min/maxing for things that don’t matter. You know what does matter? User facing features. You know what language in unquestionably the fastest to produce user facing features in? JavaScript/HTML/CSS.
If you want to optimize for performance you can do so after by moving things server side, writing them in web assembly, or offloading them onto other threads.
There’s also massive opportunity cost in a) programming in low level languages, and b) having every developer have to learn a low level language. There’s a reason that we don’t all code in assembly any more.
It’s also because we started doing shit like using JS in places it really shouldn’t belong. Half the programs on my PC are just webapps running in a sandbox environment, instead of using systems languages like C/C++ directly like was the case 15-20 years ago. Abstractions on top of abstractions on top of abstractions. JS was fine for embellishing elements of a web site and facilitating AJAX, it should have never been turned into an app language.
That’d be like if interpreted BASIC was taken seriously in the 80s as more than just a toy and the majority of popular software was written in it. We’d rightfully question WTF society was thinking.
No we wouldn’t, and this is a crazy take when like half of Linux runs on interpreted python.
You’re min/maxing for things that don’t matter. You know what does matter? User facing features. You know what language in unquestionably the fastest to produce user facing features in? JavaScript/HTML/CSS.
If you want to optimize for performance you can do so after by moving things server side, writing them in web assembly, or offloading them onto other threads.
There’s also massive opportunity cost in a) programming in low level languages, and b) having every developer have to learn a low level language. There’s a reason that we don’t all code in assembly any more.