The packets: “I want to get off Mr Bones’ wild ride”
The packets: “I want to get off Mr Bones’ wild ride”
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China is full of shit about it being unintentional, they’ve been playing grey zone games for quite a few years now and the nations around them have caught on. I’d argue missile deployment is exactly proportional to an unplanned breach of airspace by a military asset. It’s historically a pretty good idea to build up your defense when a neighbor is brandishing their military on your borders
Assuming you’re asking in good faith:
“Retard” used to be a largely medical term used to refer to mentally disabled people. It’s common usage in the past 10 years or so has been “bad, stupid, less than, etc”. By using the term that way, you’re passively connecting disabled people to that concept of “bad, stupid, less than, etc”. I think it’s also considered a slur lately
Raisins in particular have a mouthfeel like bugs for me. Fresh grapes are mid but nice when it’s hot out. I like dried versions of most fruits I like the fresh version of
Probably doesn’t help that every consecutive year of physics education is like “anyway everything we taught you last year is a simplification that’s technically wrong. Here’s how it really works now that you know enough math to understand the next level”
I get around this by setting my passwords to something easy to type like *******
Completely unrelated, does anybody know why my bank balance always goes back to 0 immediately after my paystubs are deposited?