Nervously looking out the window to see what their crazy neighbor is going to do next
Nervously looking out the window to see what their crazy neighbor is going to do next
I remember searching stack overflow for a oddly specific issue and found a post about it with an answer. The person who asked the question was me 6 years ago.
It’s probably obnoxious in real life but I really wanna do the ZZ Top ringtone from Bad Monkey
Worst thing about someone watching a reel out loud is you hear the same 15 second sound bite 30 times while they’re reading the comments.
So what you’re saying is we need to go back and hunt down Richard BMW
“Mr Rogers miraculously raises from the dead only to go around diddling kids”
Is this a reference to someone?
No, none of the consoles require a subscription. You add it on if you want the extras and multiplayer.
** Insert guy with stick do something meme **
“like that one time I was on Dragon Ball Z”
Looking back now the whole family schitk was pretty lazy and could be applied to anything but damn was it effective.
I’ve been trying to carefully navigate this. Got her into Totoro when she was really young, like 20 months. Then a little after 2 we started watching Spirited Away. She loves them. I can’t always control what she watches but I’m gonna do my best to imbue some of my tastes into her.
Not sure which collection you’re playing but there’s basically two types of Castlevania games. There’s the ones modeled after the first game, the Richter style games. A linear platformer, many have frustrating controls. I generally hate these ones. Then there’s the ones that spawned from Symphony of the Night that gave the Vania in the Metroidvania genre games. These rock and most of them are generally pretty good.
“Const my function equals opening parenthesis opening curly brace argh closing curly brace closing parenthesis… fat arrow…”
It was truly cursed. God forbid you had the DOS port which was actually unbeatable due to an impossible jump.
Preach. I don’t even have a window on mine. I want my machine to blend into the room. All the showy stuff feels like you need to show off to justify the price.
Honestly it’s the social aspect. Everyone I know uses Spotify, so sharing playlists and tracks are super easy. I know there’s converters out there but I can’t be arsed to do that every time I want to send or receive a link. I’ve also got some shared playlists between friends we all contribute to. At social gathering I can turn on the party mode or whatever it’s called and let people add stuff to the queue. The big one though is I’ve got a few friends with really good taste. I can check in on them from time to time to see what they’re listening to right now. Found a lot of great stuff this way.
Same. I watch more YouTube than probably any other streaming service. Plus I got the family plan and I sell the extra seats to my extended family and friends. Works out to be pretty cheap in the end.
I do the same for Spotify, Disney plus. Formally Netflix but they cut down on password sharing
So did someone make this with AI 🤔