But will they take me back to the past?
They’d rather haaaave
A Buffallohhhh…
Take a diarrhoea dump in his ear…
He’d rather eeeeeat
The rotten asshole
Of a roadkilled skunk
aaand down it with beeeeeerrrr
Here you go, way too fast
Not until you defeat Aku
You’re playing the wrong games…
Maybe they just want to feel something. Anger, I assume.
Impotent rage. The feeling that you want to punch some people in the face, but knowing full well that’s impossible.
I feel like this is an online FPS meme or something.
or mobas, or rts, or fifa, or whatever the fuck genre dead by daylight is, or pvp craft survival…
pvp has just become inherently toxic.
Maybe the issue has to with the p in pvp having gotten toxic
Pee vs Poop
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I think it’s a joke about AVGN
Oh that is kind of his pout. Oh and that’s part of the theme song come to think of it.
I suspect you’re right
Never heard of AVGN?
Angry video game nerd?
I might’ve conflated him and total biscuit in my head.
That theme song is a frickin banger
why aren’t you playing the good games
Not enough players :(
why are you playing multiplayer games designed to suck the life and money out of you. there are tons of fantastic single player games. your time has more worth than you can dedicate to slop.
I need to assert my superiority over other people :(
you have Lemmy for that
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Satisfactory just got it’s 1.0 full release yesterday, plenty of fun to be had
Its spectacular, so many improvements and awesome things!
Lizard doggo
Yeah I wish that would play on my desktop. What I get for using Gentoo I guess. Might try running it on an actual desktop instead of a Window Manager. Who knows maybe that will make a difference.
That’s surprising. It has supported Vulkan for a long time. Then again, I may not fully understand how your setup works.
Vulkan is not the issue it doesn’t even get that far. Game doesn’t get through the setup wizard for installing libraries even.
Maybe it doesn’t work right with Wayland, or maybe my USE flags are too aggressive. I don’t know.
I recently decided to play through the Konami Castlevania collection, and holy shit they are bad, I’m sure they get better, but I got to Dracula in the first game and the controls are SOOO fucking bad. This picture encapsulates exactly how I feel. Just at work, hating Castlevania, and thinking about playing it when I get home.
Not sure which collection you’re playing but there’s basically two types of Castlevania games. There’s the ones modeled after the first game, the Richter style games. A linear platformer, many have frustrating controls. I generally hate these ones. Then there’s the ones that spawned from Symphony of the Night that gave the Vania in the Metroidvania genre games. These rock and most of them are generally pretty good.
Super Castlevania 4 is the best of those early ones. Rondo is pretty good also but very hard. People find charms in the first 3 but they’re a bit rough.
If you prefer the Symphony lineage, the gameboy collections are very good. Not every game is brilliant but it’s amazing value.
it gets better once you have full control of the whip, i think that happens in super castlevania 4
juat wait til you get to simons quest, which is the game that pretty much created the gamer review format when AVGN uploaded his review in 2004
That happens in Super Castlevania/4, and then subsequently un-happens and never fully comes back. I have no idea WTF was up with that decision. Being able to whip in all directions was rad.
You can kinda-sorta whip diagonally upwards in Castlevania: Bloodlines and you can still do the thing where you hold the button down and fidget around impotently with the whip in Rondo of Blood and Dracula X, but that’s about it. Oh, and I guess you can do the thing in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon where you helicopter the thing around and it does crap for damage, too. Lame.
I can’t wait to have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear
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Play better games?
Fuck that, I’ve finally got a full day off work for the first time in over a week and I’m stoked to sit down and play some 40k Rogue Trader. This game kicks ass.
Might hit some Deadlock tonight too.
How’s Rogue Trader?
I had a hard time getting into Deadlock.I’m a longtime 40k fan and Rogue Trader is one of the few games that I feel like really nail the setting spot on. And I also enjoyed Owlcat’s Pathfinder games, they’ve got a strong pedigree behind them. If you’re a fan of CRPGs and Warhammer 40k you should definitely pick it up, it’s great. If you’re not a 40k fan, the game is still good, but you’ve got some homework to do if you want to understand the setting and understand the decisions you’re making - the Pathfinders might be a better fit for you.
I’m playing wraith of the righteous as I type this. I’ll have to check it out!
Edit. Oh shit an rpg. I’m downloading it now Thank you for the suggestion!
Not OP but I sue think Rogue Trader is fun! My favorite 40k game so far.
I looked into it, and immediately got it. It’s right up my alley
Lots of good games out there. If you’re playing, say, shitty ubisoft games, that’s on you.
Watch Dogs is top 10 video games OAT
Haven’t played it so I have no opinion on its quality, but that came out a decade ago.
It can be both a decade old and top-5 of all time. It’s a great day when a top-5 game is on GoG or so.
Warthunder lol
I’ve been playing Sea of Stars lately
I like it a lot, and the story is very interesting
Ahh so you guys are also playing Deadlock!
If he had an Asus Rog Ally he could play shitty games on public transport
That’s a weird way to say steam deck